Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: The Attic

Mason and Mark have been sleeping together a few times a week for the past month. They became very familiar with each other's rooms to the point where Mark could find the extra sheets and change Mason's bed himself. But, funny enough, they were even more familiar with one another. Mason could now describe every detail of Mark's body with his eyes closed, each dip, roll, and mole permanently imprinted in his mind. With this knowledge, Mason was an expert in the study of Mark. There was never hesitation when Mason touched him, fingers sure that when they met Mark's skin, pleasure would be the result.

Mark became obsessed with Mason's collar bones. The darker boy always had such an unconcealable reaction when Mark teased them. Inevitably, the two prominent bones became littered with hickeys and bruises.

Staring at the marks in the mirror, Mason felt giddy again. The emotion was common these days since when Mason was not around Mark, he was thinking about him. It was a light emotion, filled with a happiness and excitement Mason had never felt so consistently in his life.

Mason wanted to bask in the emotion longer, savour it for the days when he would no longer be so happy. He couldn't help feeling pessimistic. When it came to Mark, Mason was used to being disappointed.

With a dismissive shake of his head, Mason squared his shoulders, and left the bathroom. He was changed in record time and quickly left the house. Mason was going to Mark's house today to surprise him. They hadn't planned to meet today, but Mason had the feeling Mark wouldn't be upset by his presence.

And, just in case he was, Mason came prepared. He'd decided to actually style his curls today. Instead of leaving them in their naturally curly state, where some were clear and others became fuzzy, Mason had put in multiple products to make the curls shine. He wore a pair of tight, dark grey jeans with the back of his shirt resting over his butt to leave it on display. Unfortunately, Mason couldn't wear a button-up because his hickeys would have shown, so he settled for a t-shirt. Still, when Mark got close enough, he would be able to see the fruit of his labour standing out brightly against Mason's tan skin.

With that in mind, Mason was chuckling softly as he came up to the Tylers' door. His first instinct was to knock, as any polite person would do, but he had to ignore that urge and open the door himself. Their house was just too large for it to be assured that someone would hear you when you knocked. Moreover, Mason had been frequenting it for years. In the words of Tania Tyler herself, "It makes no sense to knock if you already live here."

And so, Mason entered the silent house by himself. Over the years, the place had become more and more silent as their children moved out. Mason's steps echoed as he entered, the sound bouncing off the walls audibly. Mason was not creeped out by this, however, and comfortably started climbing the stairs.

The mansion had been made with one room on the ground floor, five on the second floor, and a large attic. Out of convenience, the first floor bedroom was made into the guest. Mason was never told the specifics, but he knew that at the end, Mark was forced to take the attic room. Although it's been years since his siblings moved out, Mark grew quite attached to the space. It gave him a lot more privacy and he felt a bit more independent since he was so far from Jasmine and his parents.

Mason liked it because they could hear when someone was walking up the stairs.

Mason was about to go up the second flight of stairs when he heard Jasmine calling out, "Mark? Is that you?" He considered just ignoring her and running up the stairs. Actually, he would have done that if he had the chance. But before he had a choice, Jasmine was opening her door.

"Mason! What are you doing here?" She asked brightly, walking up to him with a smile.

"Oh, uh," Mason stuttered, shocked to be caught so suddenly. His brain worked rapidly to come up with something believable. "I was just about to leave."

"Leave, why? You just got here." She commented curiously, her brown hair falling onto her face a bit when she tilted her head.

"Uh, no, I was actually upstairs with Mark for a while." Mason stated calmly, voice becoming more convincing the more he spoke.


Was that a 'oh, I believe you' or an 'oh, because that doesn't make any damn sense.' Mason almost started sweating by the time she spoke.

"But, you can still hang out for a bit, right? I was just watching a movie, I can rewind it if you want."

Mason's shoulders dropped in relief.

"Sorry, Jazz. I'm really tired. But, we can hang out later, okay?" Mason tried to seem regretful, but he had slowly started inching away to end the conversation.

Jasmine seemed as if she wanted to protest. If this was a regular day, she would have continued pestering until Mason agreed, which he always did. But today, Mason came to hang out with Mark alone while Jasmine was free. They didn't want her there. Jasmine had to process that for a while, and she couldn't do that with Mason there.

"Yeah, okay." She agreed finally, a small smile on her face. Mason was so quick to leave, he didn't notice that it was fake.

Mason went down the first flight of stairs until he heard Jasmine close her door. When the sound of some action movie reached Mason's ears, he went up again. It was a bit annoying to go up and down again but it fit his story, so he had to.

When Mason was halfway up the second flight, Mark swung his door open to greet him. Judging by the large smile on Mark's face, he'd already suspected that it was Mason coming up to his door.

The two chuckled and giggled like a pair of idiots as they jogged to meet each other in the middle. Once he was within arm's length, Mason grabbed onto Mark's shirt and pulled him in. Their kiss was a bit clumsy. They were standing on two different steps and struggling to stay upright.

Mason managed to push Mark against the opposite wall and get his lips on the other boy's neck. Mark only let him continue for a couple of seconds before he pulled on Mason's shirt to create some space.

"Come on, let's go up." Mark told him, gesturing to his room not far from them. Mason didn't go through the effort of giving him an answer. It was much easier for him to race up the stairs with a chuckling Mark following. Even as Mark locked the door, the two laughed and teased one another ceaselessly.


Sorry this was a short chapter.

I didn't realize it would be this short when I planned it out.


Do you guys have any predictions for our lovely boys?


Vote, Comment, Share, Follow, anything else you can do with this book and I will see you next Chapter. Bye!!!

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