Chapter 15

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(A/N: WARNING, Grossness up ahead, you have been warned)

Chapter 15: CPR Review

Mason gave up on “not caring” the second his back touched his bed. Compared to how other decisions towards not thinking of Mark/getting over Mark went, that was pretty impressive.

But “pretty impressive” didn’t keep Mason from grabbing a pillow, smushing it against his face, and screaming. Loud. In fact, his father still complained about the noise he made despite the precaution. 

Mason might be going mad. 

All because of Mark-freaking-Tyler. 

Mark-freaking-sexy-ass-Tyler. Mark-super-kind-and-funny-Tyler. Mark-crazy-talented-and-kisses-like-a-freak-Tyler. Mark-want-to-chain-him-down-and-turn-him-into-male-wifey-Tyler. Mark-buy-him-a-ring-and-propo-

Mason huffs loudly, cutting himself off from his dangerous train of thought. It doesn’t matter how cute or talented he was, Mason was sure that Mark would no longer be in his life after this. He was absolutely convinced that Mark would drop him as a friend in order to be rid of the guy that kept kissing him in class.

Here’s the thing, Mason had about three possibilities that he could imagine happening, and only 2 of them seemed genuinely possible.

Mark could have hated the kiss(es) and want to cut Mason out of his life for doing it in the first place. This option was pretty unlikely since Mason saw and felt how eager Mark was to come back and get another taste again and again, but it was a present fear none-the-less.

Mark could have loved the kiss(es) and actually be interested in becoming an item with Mason. Mason loved this choice theoretically since it would make all of his long-term-crush-dreams a reality.

But, it was the option Mason was most skeptical about. The idea of Mark wanting to be with him was an absolutely crazy idea in his mind and he placed this option away for if he ever became optimistic. 

Finally, Mark may have actually enjoyed the kiss(es) but not be accepting of the idea of liking guys and want to push Mason away due to being confused.

This option made Mason feel a bit better than the first one but it would still end up with Mason losing his best friend and crush because he couldn’t keep his lips to himself.

Mason, always being a man to make himself miserable, focused on the first and third options, thinking himself into an intense state of sadness. He was pulling out his phone, scrolling through photos of him and Mark like he had died, moping and sleeping in his bed, and watching sad movies that captured any amount of the heartbreak Mason was feeling.

It took him a while to remember that, as a human being, he needed sustenance and was actually hungry at that moment. He debated mentally if it was really worth it to leave his bubble of sadness and go get food, but the gnawing hunger in his stomach was overpowering. So, with a deep pout on his face, Mason got out of bed and made his way downstairs for breakfast (it was actually lunch). 

Mason was a bit startled to find his mother humming at the stove. She usually was working at this time, but he assumed he just forgot that she had a day off. It really wouldn’t have been a first.

He moved silently, attempting to blend in with the furniture while he moved for the cereal in the cupboard. Unsurprisingly, she quickly noticed the sound of feet hitting hardwood and a box of cereal being moved. 

“Good morning!” She said, grinning energetically. Mason repeated the phrase quietly in response and his mom finally looked at him. Her grin faltered when she saw the expression on her son’s face before she gained a quizzical expression. “What’s wrong with you? What’s got you making that sour face?”

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