Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: The Place Downtown Where the Freaks All Come Around

Mark sat at the edge of Mason's bed, glancing up from his phone every once in a while to see Mason tear through his closet.

"I want something that's chill but also a little sexy." Mason told Mark as he came back out of his closet, his clothes a terrible mess behind him. "Like, 'I don't want to pull any of you guys but if I wanted to, I could.' You know?"

Mark did understand the explanation, but still laughed at the ridiculous way in which Mason chose to phrase it.

"Why don't you want to pull anyone else?" Mark asked him, seeming to not particularly care about the answer. Mason opened his mouth to speak but quickly snapped it shut when he realized what he'd been about to say.

Because I'm taken.

But the problem was that he wasn't.

"I don't know. I just don't feel like it today." Mason chose to say instead. He sent a curious look Mark's way from the corner of his eye.

Mason hoped that Mark would let him know if he was sleeping with a third party. Apart from the emotional toll it would take on him to find out Mark was seeing someone else, Mason also wanted to be aware of STD possibilities and such. But, Mark's question made Mason realize that they hadn't established if that was mandatory in their relationship or not. So, to Mason's horror, there was a chance that even if Mark already was, he hadn't told him.

Was Mark actively getting into relationships with other people while they were still sleeping together? Did he entertain the thought when others flirted with him? Did he flirt back? Somehow, the thought had never crossed Mason's mind before. Now, it was going to be hard to not obsess over the possibility.

Mason went for a pair of loose ripped jeans. The style of it was more common in women's fashion and heightened Mason's femininity. He decided to base his outfit around it and go for a more woman's street look.

When Mason finished Adams's nursing intensive, he expected to quickly drift away from nearly everyone he'd met there. But to his pleasant surprise, many stayed in touch. In the weeks following their graduation, Mason had actually become closer to some people that did the course as well.

Today, he and Mark were going out with some friends from the nursing intensive again. In a group chat originally made to give everyone the address to the club the first time they went out, people had talked about how they had to do it again. And voila, another date had been set.

For Mason, it couldn't have come at a better time. It hadn't been a week since Jasmine went off on him for not hanging out with her enough and Mason wanted to forget the situation. It made him uncomfortable to think about all the things Jasmine had screamed in his face so he found it easier to pretend like it had never happened.

But, after being friends for so long, Mason was especially annoyed that Jasmine waited so long to say that she had an issue with him. He thought everything was fine between them so her sudden anger came as a shock.

That made Mason look back at the man sitting on his bed. This guy wasn't just her brother, he was her literal twin. He should know her better than anyone else in the world. But he hadn't said a peep about Jasmine being upset, getting dumped, or knowing about their relationship.

"Hey Mark?" He called out, continuing on after Mark let out a 'hmm?' "Why didn't you tell me that Jasmine knows we're sleeping together?"

"What?!" Mark exclaimed, his mouth dropping open in shock. "She knows?"

Mason didn't know whether to find Mark's ignorance frustrating or cute.

"She was telling me how she told you to pull me away at A&A's anniversary because she knew." He said, reciting Jasmine's words from earlier. "She's known for a while now."

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