Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: First Session Pt 2

"That was so good!" Mason beamed in excitement, practically vibrating from his energy. "It was so informative and interesting. And she is such a good teacher!"

Mark was smiling softly as he watched Mason rattle on and on about the class. Today's lesson hadn't been too long, at least that's what Lorraine told them. It was probably shorter because she had to introduce the class and get everyone partnered up.

But, now that it had just finished and Lorraine was making her way out of the building, everyone in the room seemed to be buzzing with excitement. It was a great lesson, and Mark didn't blame Mason for being excited.

Mark and Mason got up from their seats and began walking towards the door. They continued to talk about what they just saw when someone began to tap Mason's shoulder. He turned around, frowning slightly when he was face to face with an unfamiliar girl. Dark hair, wide hips, tanned skin. Pretty, but a stranger.

Then, his eyes went up to find Tobias.

"Hey," He grinned, smiling down at Mason widely. "What did you think of the lesson?"

"Oh, it was really good! Lorraine is a really great teacher. I'm excited for the rest of the course." Mason said, repeating words that he had just told Mark not to long ago. Mason then turned to the girl, connecting the dots and coming to the conclusion that this was Mark's previous partner. "I don't think we've met. I'm Mason. Mason Moore."

"Aubrey Hapburn." The girl replied, smiling softly as she shook hands with Mason. "Tobias has been telling me such wonderful things about you."

Mason laughed, quickly waving off her nice comment.

"He gives me too much credit. I honestly don't understand how he got such a good impression of me in such a short amount of time."

Aubrey and Tobias both laughed at Mason's words, but Mason found Aubrey's laugh to be a tad bit more . . . baseless?

He looked back at Mark who watched the entire thing with a soft smile showing through his eyes. He didn't seem to notice anything, so it must just be in Mason's head.

Aubrey then turned to look at Mark, a gleam appearing in her eyes. She took a couple of steps closer to the taller boy, laying a hand on his bicep.

Was she . . . ?

"I was a bit sad to hear from Tobias that we were no longer partners." She mentions, a small pout on her full nude painted lips. "We would have worked so well together."

Mark smiles, fakely Mason mentally adds, at Aubrey and shifts away from her touch.

"Maybe." Mark says simply, offering a small smile before moving closer to Mason. Aubrey seemed a bit cheesed but Mason doesn't acknowledge it and goes back to conversing with Tobias.

"I am kind of embarrassed to say it but I didn't expect the homework." Tobias admits with a short laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. Mason waves off his discomfort, understanding Tobias completely.

"Don't be. I was actually hoping that we would get more of a pass since it's the first day." Mason says in response, hands unconsciously slipping into his pants' pocket. "But, obviously, I was wrong."

Tobias and Mason giggle, Mason later noticing that Mark had as well.

"Actually, I was wondering about something." Mark starts, drawing Mason's attention back to him. While he said the words generally, his eyes told Mason that he wanted him to answer. That brought warmth to Mason's cheek. Gosh, he really had to get over himself. "Is it due at our next session or next week?"

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