Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: I Wanna Scream and Shout and Let it all Out

As Mason pulled the pair of ash grey jeans up his body, he noticed how easily his legs were slipping in. But for a guy who really enjoyed his skinny jeans, that was a bad sign. Once the pants were all the way up, he noticed, with a frown, that they were too loose. While they didn't fall down the second Mason removed his hands, they did leave more space around his legs than he would like. Pouting in annoyance, Mason left the changing room.

"These pants are way too loose."

"Nah, I like them. It's cute that I can see how your underwear is kind of digging into your stomach."

Mason scowled at Gabe who stood outside of the changing room with his hands in his pockets. The cheeky grin Gabe wore as he stared at the front of Mason's pants where the top had fallen was super annoying. But Mason had known Gabe for so long, he was used to the infuriating look.

"Why do you even wear underwear that's so tight?" Gabe asked him seriously, his eyes finally coming back up to Mason's. It was now Mason's turn to smirk as he placed his hands on his hips.

"You realize I wear skinny jeans, right? How else would I show off my ass?"

Mason left Gabe laughing as he walked back into the changing room, a pleased smile on his face. In hindsight, it was probably a bad idea to go shopping with Gabe of all people, but Mason hadn't thought that far ahead when he invited him.

Mason had been planning on going by himself. He was running low on pants and this time it was Jasmine who was already busy. But, not long before he left, he happened to get a text from Gabe. They ended up talking for a while about nothing important when Mason decided that it would be nice to see Gabe in person, so he invited Gabe to go with him.

And clearly, Gabe said yes. Although Mason loved just goofing off with Gabe, he knew that the smarter thing would be to buy his pants first. He already had one black pair that scrunched at the bottom and was fitted from the knee up but wanted two more pairs before he left.

Mason then went and slipped into a second pair. This one was a size smaller than the first in the same color and fit him much better. Looking into the mirror on the wall next to him, Mason smiled at his reflection. The pants weren't skin tight but showed the shape of his legs and, like Mason always wanted, showed off his ass. As a guy who did no physical activity, Mason was blessed with a good butt. Mason had personally always assumed it had something to do with being Yemeni but had never taken the time to check so for now, he would just be grateful.

"I like this size a lot better" was Mason's opening statement as he walked out of the small room and stood in front of Gabe. "Now I know that I need to get this size whenever I come to this store."

Gabe looked down at the pants with a small smile, humming to himself as he continued to stare.

"Yeah, these ones are really nice." He agreed, looking at the satisfied expression on Mason's face. "I can see why you like them tight."

Mason grinned widely but didn't verbally respond to Gabe's words.

"Okay, I think we can go to the next store."


Gabe hadn't been Mason's first choice, but Mason was really happy that he came. In spite of all of his flirting and dumb jokes, he and Mason have a really good time when they're together. Mason enjoyed his company and was glad to have him around. Especially with everything going on with Mason, it was good he knew someone who put him in a good mood so easily.

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