Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: CPR

His eyes blinked, opening for only a moment before squeezing shut at the ensault of light. Fighting the slight sting in his eye, he began to survey the unfamiliar room around him. Judging by the painted walls and large expensive look of the room, Mason guessed that he was back at the Tyler's place.

The events of the previous night quickly flooded back into Mason's mind and he let out a loud, drawn-out groan. The irritated reaction was the first thing to come to mind since it was the most effective way to distract from the blush on his face.

The first place his brain went was his conversation with Mark the night before, and he immediately wanted to die a million times over. Everything else that happened, the fun, the laughs, his friends making fools of themselves among a couple hundred people, it all took a back seat to Mark's words.

You really have no idea how sexy you are?

"Well, I know exactly how sexy you are." Mason muttered to himself, quickly groaning and burying his face into the pillow below. Actually saying those words to Mark? Mason would never. But fantasize over having the chance to dirty talk and maybe even . . . kiss Mark? Mason could do that all day.

However, Mason did not feel like being in his friends' guest room with an awkward boner. Chances were that Jasmine would barge in if it got later in the day and Mason was not up for going through that.

With a soft sigh, Mason sat up and shuffled his way off of the king bed. The sheet thingies —that he had never learned the name of— brushed against his cheeks as he stood up and he wiped at his eyes as he headed for the bathroom.

A spare toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste rested next to the sink, and Mason made full use of the items. He thought he had probably been brushing for too long as the entire time he scrubbed at his teeth, he thought of Mark.

Mason's mind drifted as he relayed the events of the previous night. He probably could have been lazily scratching at his teeth forever if his hand hadn't slipped, jerking him and forcing him to stand up straight.

Without the option of another pair of clothes to wear, Mason made his way downstairs in the slightly rumpled and now inappropriate outfit from the previous night. He was adjusting and attempting to fix his hair on his way to the kitchen when he came face to face with Mark.

The two froze in their tracks, staring at each other with startled expressions that were otherwise undecipherable. A beat later Mark cracked a smile and patted Mason on the back.

"Hey man, you rest well?" Mark asked, his wide smile and easy smile dropping some of the tension from Mason's body, while also confusing him a ton. "Was probably hard to since we partied for so long.

Mason began to play along with the "forget anything ever happened" idea, and smiled with a nod of his head.

"More of the opposite actually. The moment my head hit the pillow, I was gone." Mason told him, gaining a sound of understanding from Mark. Mason briefly considered an idea that popped into his head.

If he played this correctly, he could move this situation further in his favour, eliminating any chance of awkward tension messing with their relationship in the future. Mason decided to go for it.

"You know, it is a bit hard for me to remember some of the stuff from later into the night." Mason lied, shaking his head as he brought this hand up to his forehead. "I think it might be because of how tired I was but I think I'm forgetting some stuff."

Mark seemed confused for a quick second before the cheery and pleasant expression reappeared on his face.

"Honestly, same, I don't remember most of the night either. I mean, I don't think I saw you until we were back in the car again." Mason mentally freaked out, frustration building inside of him despite the fact that this was what he wanted. He pretended to be pleasantly surprised.

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