Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Maybe My Father Was Right . . .

Mason was buzzing with excitement, rustling through the clothes in his closest with rushed motions. He was playing some music on his phone loudly as he tried to find the perfect outfit to wear tonight. He wasn't sure whether he was going on the lookout for someone else to date like his parents thought he did, but he definitely wanted to look cute in case he did.

He heard the squeak of the door and looked back to see his mother pushing the door open. Seeing Mason dancing, hearing the music, and watching as Mason went through his closest told her that Mason was going out tonight. Mason was a boy of habit, and this was his favourite thing to do before he went out.

"I almost forgot that you are going out tonight." She commented casually, trying to get a look at what Mason was considering. She would be lying if she said that she didn't want to help him pick out his clothes. It is what she got the chance to do all the time when Mason was younger, she didn't want to have to wait until his wedding to get the chance again.

Mason, completely unaware of the sad thoughts running through his mother's mind, turned back around to continue digging through his closest. Mason snorted out a laugh when he processed what his mom had said.

"You probably did forget." Mason said, smiling at the way he easily read his mom. "Possibly because you and dad seem to think that I go out all the time and this is just normal to you."

His mom laughed loudly but didn't respond to what he'd said. She instead changed the subject.

"So who is going out with you?" She went and asked, eyes flittering over her son's room without focusing on any particular thing. "I would assume that you are taking the usual bunch, Jasmine, Clark, Daniel, and Mark, but is there anyone else?"

Mason went to pull out a red v-neck top that hugged his body nicely, considering how it would look under the dim lights or surrounded by sweaty bodies while he thought of the answer to his mother's question.

"I invited a couple of people that I met at the nursing program. Tobias and Gabe." He said, holding the red top to his chest and looking down at it with a hum. "I think that Jasmine invited a girl that she knows but that's about it."

His mom let out a surprised hum, walking into his room casually.

"That sounds like a real party. Probably will be a lot of fun for you teens."

Mason suddenly stopped in his movements of placing the shirt back on the rack, turning to his mother with a suspicious expression. There was just something in her tone . . .

"Mom." He drawled, some sass coming to back up his words. "If you have something to say, please say it already, I hate when you beat around the bush."

His mother sighed heavily, also hating when her son figured her out so easily. So what it was cute that they knew each other so well, it did not help when she was trying to manipulate him.

"Fine, I just want to remind you to be aware." She admitted, now dropping the cool mom act and going straight for the lecture. "We both know how drugs can ruin your life and I don't want you thinking that just because it's once at a party that it's okay."

"Alright, mom."

"And try not to drink too much, bad things have happened to kids who thought they could drink more than they could." She added on, her eyes filled with badly concealed worry and fear for her child.

"I'll do my best." He replied, not feeling like lying to his mom. She sighed heavily but didn't try to push for a better answer. "Besides, you don't have to worry about the drug thing. I value my future and looks way too much to want to get into that."

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