Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Brothers by Chance, Friends by Choice

Mason nearly died this morning. It wasn't from a vicious attack from a jealous love rival because his life is not that interesting nor was he the victim of a drunk driver like so many other wattpad novel characters. Instead, the cause of his near death experience was Will.i.-fucking- am. Because the man just had to make a literal bop for the Rio movie called Hot Wings and Mason, not being coordinated in the slightest, almost tripped in the shower trying to dance to said bop. Mason's imitation of the Samba speaks of was subpar and that combined with the wet shower floor nearly sent Mason's head into the tiled wall. As he left the shower five minutes later, Mason contemplated what it would have been like if he'd died.

Mason Moore was well loved. A brother, son, and friend. We mourn his tragic passing. Death by botched Salsa is truly horrific.

Mason was still thanking every higher power for allowing him to avoid such an embarrassing death when he got a text from Mark.


Sorry I can't make it for our date today
A friend from the U.S. is visiting so I have to meet up with him.

Mason's slightly damp shoulders fell in disappointment. He understood why Mark could not come and wasn't mad, but he still felt really disappointed.

It's fine. We'll just make up for the time apart next time. Mason thought to himself with an evil grin.

Somehow, the dirty thought restored Mason's mood. With a cheerful smile, Maso went to get dressed for the day. He wouldn't be seeing Mark today, but he would still wear the cute new jeans he bought himself. They were a bit feminine because they were high-waisted and created the illusion of curves, a look which Mason loved. Mason tucked a short-sleeved white shirt into the pair of dark blue pants and grinned at his reflection in his full length mirror across the room.

After adjusting his look in the mirror for a few more minutes, Mason was finally satisfied. Without even thinking about it, Mason started checking his phone on his way to the kitchen. Mason saw post after post about what friends and celebrities would be doing with their weekends, reminding Mason that it was a Saturday and he currently had nothing to do.

Going into his contacts, Mason's first thought was to message Jasmine. She was his best friend but Mason actually hadn't met up with her in over a month. Much of his free time was spent with Mark these days and Jasmine didn't invite him out nearly as much as she used to. Mason scrolled through their recent messages, frowning at how dried up their conversation had become.

Today would be a perfect day to fix this. They could hang out, talk, and figure out why their schedules haven't been aligning recently. But, interrupting Mason's train of thought was the sound of his ringtone.

Almost immediately, a smile came to Mason's face when he saw the name.

"Mason! Hi!" Aiden screeched through the phone, making Mason wince to himself. Knowing that it wasn't even 12 pm yet, Mason found it rude for Aiden to be so loud. But because this was such an Aiden thing to do, Mason also didn't comment on it. "I feel like we haven't talked in forever! I missed my little baby brother."

Mason couldn't have helped the roll of his eyes if he'd tried. What Aiden had said might have been sweet if Mason did not hear Aiden's annoyingly teasing voice. He'd done it just to get a reaction out of Mason and it had unfortunately worked.

"I guess it has been a while. The last time we spoke was two weeks ago, right?" Mason commented, trying to focus simply on the truth in Aiden's statement.

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