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I turned off my car, hesitant if I should go inside. I was sat outside of Harry's house, and I knew much could go wrong just from the short walk up the sidewalk and up the stairs. If someone saw me that could very well be the end of everything.

So I put on a pair of sunglasses, grabbed my bag, and got out.

Harry was in a T-shirt and sweat pants when he opened the door, a big difference from his usual suit and tie. His hair was messier, but definitely not in a bad way.

"Charlie, glad to see you could make it." He smiled, but I couldn't help but feel awkward that I was at his house. My teachers house. And of course in our current relationship it isn't wise to see him with that title, but it's not something I can just forget.

"Well you said you'd make me dinner, so I don't know who would be crazy enough to pass up on free food." He let me inside.

"Oh so you're only here for the food?" Even though I was facing away from him as I slipped off my shoes, I knew he had a grin on his face. And when I turned back around to face him I was right.

"Well it's just about done so lets go eat."

I felt a pang of guiltness as I followed him into his small kitchen. I had brushed off a hang out day with Maddie to be here. But that's the sacrifice you make when you're in a relationship in general, not just with your teacher.

Harry and I had finished our meal, and although I didn't know exactly what it was, it was really good.

"Can I draw you?" He asked me. "Draw me? I don't know, I get pretty anxious when people need to stare at me for a long time and look at all my features."

"What's wrong with your features?" He grabbed his sketchbook that was on the coffee table along with a pencil.

"I don't like them, but I'm sure you were expecting that answer."

"I don't see why you don't like them, I mean you're beautiful. Let me draw you," And he flashed this cheeky smile at me that made me trust him and say "Okay."

I fidgeted quite a lot as he drew me. As stated before, I hated this kind of attention. The kind where people are staring at you, and really staring at you where you feel like you're going to melt. I felt this way a lot with most people, but with Harry the feeling was way worse. I didn't want him to look too deeply.

"Oh, fuck," He mumbled. I nearly screamed, having to supress it to where I sounded like a distressed cat. It was odd hearing him cuss. He noticed my reaction and smiled a little bit. "My pencil broke." But with Harry, there was no need to worry, as he grabbed another pencil off of the same table. Now who has two perfectly sharpened pencils lying around? Harry.

Time eventually passed along as he told me he was putting the "finishing touches" on it.

"That looks really good," I said as he turned the book to me. "It looks so real." I don't know why, but I lifted my hand and dragged a finger along the lines as if that would make the picture more real. "If you don't mind, I'd like to keep it for myself." Harry said. "Sure, yeah. It's your hard work." I nodded.

"I would like to draw you sometime, if you wouldn't mind." I proposed. "If you wanted to, I'm okay with that." As soon as he said that I really looked at his face. The tiny features. The sharp looking jawline, the fullness of his lips, the curve of his eyelashes. If I were to draw him, I would have to do him justice.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked. "Yeah, what kinds you got?" I looked at the stack of movies he had by the TV. "Well not down here, we can watch it in my room." I began screaming internally.


"Yeah the sound is much better on the TV in my room. Come on," He held out a hand, which I couldn't help but take.

His room was really neat, like really neat. "You can just lay down on the bed, I'll get a movie on." He told me.

I sat on the bed, waiting for him to find whatever movie it was he needed. "Got it." He finally said. He popped it in the player and came back to lay beside me. "What movie is it?" I whispered. "Shhh, you'll see in a minute." He grinned and put an arm around my body.

It was Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo. I didn't have a problem with this, I was just a bit surprised that this was the movie Harry had spent so long on looking for.

About half way through the movie Harry uttered something about "that crazy girl Darla". The soft sound of his voice made me want to move closer to him, so I did, a little, and for a while we just looked at each other without blinking or saying a word. It was like a staring contest, only more intense.

He then moved his head to the right, just enough so he could brush his cheek against the part of my arm that was near his face and after that he closed his eyes. I knew he was awake, though. I could feel his pulse in a small part of his neck and no one would be able to go to sleep while the inside of you felt like it was going to explode.

But I lay there and wondered if that's the feeling you're supposed to have when the person you love touches a totally innocent part of your anatomy that's even fully clothed. And everything was calm in this room and I had never felt so at peace- that is until the doorbell rang.

Harry sighed and opened his eyes, smiling a bit once we made eye contact. "I'll go get that," His body was gone from the bed and the warmness was gone and I was soon cold.

He ran back into the room with a face that scared me just a little bit. "You need to hide, quickly." He turned off the movie. "Why? Who is that?" I asked getting off of the bed. "It's the Principal."


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