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Now at this point I was pretty sure I was going to explode. Time passed and I hadn't asked my dad a single question about why he talked to Harry. Harry explained to me everything he said and the basis of his motivation to do so, but I was upset with my dad as I think anyone would be. But I had to bite my tongue. One word about it and it would be over; my dad would know something was going on between Harry and I. I had no intentions of flashing it around, either.

It was about eight 'o' clock on a Friday night, and I was doing what I typically do. Sitting on my bed on my laptop, with a few select snacks to keep me satisfied until I dare left my room. There was a knock on my door which caused me to groan. "Come in," I said.

The door opened slowly and my dad walked in, speak of the devil. "Hey munchkin, your mom and I are heading out. Her and her friend want to do some karaoke. You gonna be okay alone?" He asked. "You know I'll be fine." I was very monotone about it. "Great," He began leaving, but then stopped.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He asked with a vulnerable face. I squinted at him for a bit. "Yeah, dad, I know." But I really didn't. He took stuff a lot better than my mom but to say I felt comfortable telling him anything was pushing it. There's so much my parents don't know, especially nowadays.

He gave me a soft smile and left.

I took my phone and shot Harry a quick text.

To: Harry

My parents are doing karaoke tonight, wanna come over?

From: Harry

I'd love to but I have another engagement already with and old classmate of mine, raincheck?

I gave him an "Okay" text and switched my phone off. It wasn't right for me to be upset or anything like that because I can't forget he has a life. He's an adult with friends of his own and I am not his main priority, although I would like to be. I know that I couldn't be. It was times like this where I started to think and think. Harry deserves someone his own age that he doesn't have to sneak around with, but I was just too selfish that I couldn't let him go.

*Harry's POV*

We parked our car outside of the bar. "I hear they have rockin' chicken wings," My friend Chad said. I shrugged and looked at the building. It was the nicest bar I've seen. I was irritated with this night already given that I had blown off time with Charlie. Chad is visitng, he'll be here a few days. I just hate giving up time with Charlie, especially now where I feel we've kind of been distant with one another.

She'd been under tight holds lately by her parents that apparently think she's sneaking out with people, which she isn't. Any free time she has she typicaly spends with me.

We entered the bar that had a great smell of barbeque and alcohol. "Over there." Chad pointed to a seat in the corner.

We took our seats and placed our orders with the waitress. "Pretty nice, huh?" He looked around a few times. "Nicer than the majority." I nodded.

"So, tell me more about this girl." Yes, Chad knew I had a girlfriend, but that's all he knew. He doesn't even know her name. "No way." I shook my head. "Come on, man. You talk to me about her a lot, you list things you love about her, tell me her name." He pressed, but I was stubborn. "No."

The waitress came back wth our food which changed the current topic. "Amazing." He said as he took the first bite of a wing.

"Alright, and now we have or next singer." A man on stage said into the microphone. A lady walked on stage with a dazzling smile and commenced singing.

"You alright man?" Chad moved my arm. "You're kind of dazing off." He said. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I took a drink of my beer. I was lowkey thinking of Charlie being alone at her house and wishing I was there. And man how I wished I was there, but me bailing suddenly would cause Chad to question.

"You gotta introduce me to this girl, Harry." Chad looked at me. "I don't think that would be a good idea." I shrugged.

"Please, man. We've been friends for years and now a girl comes along and takes your heart, I gotta meet her."

I thought for a moment then said "Fine" because what harm could it do? I mean he was only visiting for a few days.


"Yeah, we're outside right now." I told Charlie over the phone. "Relax, you just have to come say a quick hello." I could tell she was nervous. I meet all of her friends everyday because they're my students, but she's never met anyone in my life. She complied and moments later was coming out the door in sweatpants. "Not one for first impressions, huh?" Chad laughed and playfully hit my arm.

His laughing stopped as she came up to the car. I rolled down my window and let her lean down to give me a quick kiss. "Oh my god, it's my little niece Charlie." Chad said.

Oh no.

*** ya girl is bad at updates but i was swamped with work because it's so close to the end of the year and exams are coming up and kmn !!! my obsession is black magic by little mix so brb while i go soak in that glory ***

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