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"You could've done a better job, honestly, Charlie." My mother sighed as she put the art work on the counter, stirring noodles. "But mom," I picked the piece up "It's a 100%."

"That doesn't change anything, was this really your best work?"

I turned to my dad who was at the table, with pleading eyes. He acted like nothing was happening and read more of his book instead. Asshole.

"Go wash up for dinner." My mother said. Groaning, I went upstairs.

I laid on bed, closing my eyes. I do my best, I try my hardest, but it's just wanted not good enough for my mom. My dad, well, I don't know what he thinks. He follows my mother's orders like a puppy.

I grabbed my phone, seeing I had a message. Him. I was now very happy that Mr. Styles suggested we exchange numbers. I could use someone to talk to.



How formal.


could you not


Not what?


dont be so formal, it's kind of a buzzkill ;|


Sorry, so what's up?


Parents are being stupid, and very annoying. You?

Just as I send this my mother shouts from downstairs, "Dinners ready!"


Grading some work, and ouch. Parents? That bad?


You don't get it. They are AWFUL. 100% isn't good enough, apparently.


Is this concerning the grade I gave you today?




Don't listen to them. You're such an amazing artist, okay?

I smiled a little bit.




You're also an amazing kisser.


You're not so bad yourself.

My mother calls again, making me sigh loudly.


I gotta go, dinner. Buh-bye ✌


Adios, love x

I put my phone into my back pocket and walked back downstairs.

| Next day: School |

Mike sat by me outside of the school as we waited to go in. "And so, like, he's really cute?" He took a bite of his Snicker's bar. "Yeah, but that's not the only thing that I love about him." I folded hair behind my ear. "But that's very illegal, yanno?"

I told Mike about Harry and I. I tell Mike about a lot more than I do Maddie- and I'd never tell her about this, considering she's so in love with him. She would definitely squeal.

"Is it serious?" He asked. "I don't know. I mean, when you kiss your teacher, it's kind of already pretty serious at that point," I folded hair behind my ear.

"Yeah but like serious."

"Are you asking if I'd ever marry him?" I chuckled. "Yes I am." He smiled, taking another bite of his candy.

"No," I told him. "You wouldn't marry him?" "No."

Mike seemed confused at my answer as he sat staring at me. "What?" I fiddled with his fingers. "I don't get it." He frowned, looking like a child.

"Neither do I," I laughed, but then became serious "I don't know if I love him, I guess I don't want to."

|Art Class|

"We'll be doing our best depictions of the Mona Lisa," Harry said before the bell rung. "My mom's name is Lisa," Maddie raised her hand beside me. I rolled my eyes, glancing at her.

Harry just nodded politely. I couldn't help but laugh quietly.

"Can I come over later?" Maddie asked me. "Well," I turned to her "It'll cost you five dollars." I smiled. She laughed, hitting my arm. "I'll probably be there around five."

Everyone got up with their books when the bell rang, except me. I wanted to talk to Harry. Nothing serious, just a chat. Not the weather, though, it's pretty obvious the sun is out today.

When everyone was cleared out I walked up to his desk.

"Hi," I tapped his desk with my pencil. He looked up from his paper. "Oh, hello," He smiled. Not only is he attractive but he has dimples. Dear God.

"Need anything?" He stood up, meeting me in front of his desk.


"Nope, just talking to my teacher." I said. "Is that what I am to you?" He laughed quietly, taking my hand in his. "No, you're a very good teacher."


"Best in the school." I nodded.

He smirked, but not in a cocky way. He took his free hand, cupping my face. I don't care, I love this man. He's my teacher, this is so wrong, but with him leaning in like this, brushing his soft lips against my own, I do not care what he is.

I love the feeling I get as soon as he does put his lips to mine. It feels good, more so with him. I need to just for a moment forget what the hell he is and live in this moment. This is what's going on. Him and me, me and him. It shouldn't be happening, but 'teacher' is just a label. Fuck labels.

What will labels matter in the future? When we die, they won't put "teacher" on his gravestone, they won't put "student" on mine. They'll put what actually mattered. This goes for everyone, it's common sense. You think they'll put "slut" on Maddie's gravestone? Fuck no. It's what she is, but it doesn't really matter.

Saying how our lips moved in sync would be cliche, but it's what was happening. I don't know how else to explain it.

He was a damn good kisser.

"Mr. Styles?" A voice said behind us. We both instantly pulled away, turning around. I wanted to cry, oh how I just wanted to crawl under a desk. Maddie.

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