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Harry wasn't at school on Monday. Or Tuesday, for that matter. We didn't have any contact since the night of the dance, so I didn't have any idea what was wrong, or if anything was wrong.

I kept my mind off of Harry for the most part. I focused on only seeing him as a teacher, which is what I wish I had done from the beginning.

And then a week passed, and Harry still wasn't at school. Something was up, but I didn't call. That wasn't place anymore.

"Red or white?" Maddie waved the two shirts in front of my face, snapping me out of a daze. "White." I told her. She blinked at me, then scoffed. "I can't believe you would choose white, the red one is better." She hung the white shirt back up and draped the red over her arm. I shrugged, putting my hands in my pockets.

"So what's up with loverboy? Why ain't he at school anymore?" Maddie questioned while shuffling through clothing racks. "I dunno." I shrugged, again. I don't know a lot of things anymore.

"You talking to him?" She turned to me, actual concern on her face. "No." I was quite blunt, but why beat around the bush?

"What? You're kidding." She laughed uncomfortably. "I'm not." I said.

"That blows, you two would've made great babies." She shot me a wink before grabbing another shirt.

School: The next day

He was finally back. I had only known because the students' excitement running through the halls. Everyone was gleaming that we wouldn't have to deal with the old substitute. Maddie grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. "Ready babe?" She asked as we made our way towards the art room. "I think. If I pass out, just drag me to the bathroom." I laughed a bit. Maddies light-hearted spirit made difficult situations a lot easier; one of the many reasons I love her.

When we walked into the classroom, Harry or Mr. Styles I should say, was turned away, facing the white board.

We took our seats, and I played absentmindedly with the elastic band around my wrist. Maddie chuckled, handing me a piece of gum. "Thank you, oh my god." I could have kissed her right there. "That's what best friends are for." She playfully punched my arm. "For gum? Absolutely." I smiled, putting the piece in my mouth.

"Alright, everyone sit down." Harry said as he finished his drawing on the board. Our eyes met for just a second when he turned around. I quickly looked down at my lap, hoping that wouldn't happen again.

He cleared his throat, clapping his hands together. "Alright, well, today just draw out what you're feeling. Anything you want, your emotions, put it on paper." Harry announced.

You never know your emotions until you actually sit there, thinking about them. I'm here trying to pick apart the cryptic parts that were racing through my head. Was I angry? Yes, a little. I scribble down a little something that could symbolize that. Am I upset? Hell yes, scribble that down as well. Trying to decifer all emotions is one hell of a job, especially when the person causing it all is only feet away. I've got angry, upset, confused, and I questioned putting betrayed in there, but decided against it.

It looked like a mess, which means I definitely did a good job. This whole thing was screwed up. But I took some pastels and colored them differently. Everything began coming together, and the more I colored the more emotions I felt. I began feeling a bit at ease with the emotions at paper. Art was always the best therapy for me.

"So Mr. Styles!" A boy from behind me said loudly. Harry looked up from his paper, eyeing the boy. "Yes?"

"Why were you gone so long?" The boy questioned. Harry's eyes flickered to mine, and I couldn't tear mine away. I missed those green eyes. "It was just a job seminar in Florida, I went with my mom. Nothing big." Harry answered, never looking away from my eyes. "You're leaving us?" A girl half yelled.

Harry chuckled, finally ripping his eyes away from mine. "I'm not sure yet."

He would leave? I get everything that happened, and I get why he would leave, I just didn't think about this ending. "Man I hope you don't." The girl sighed. "Sometimes, things just don't happen the way you want. That's life." His eyes met mine, again, but this time it was uncomfortable. "You just gotta move on sometimes. You all will experience it one day." I just knew he was talking to me, he couldn't make it anymore obvious.

"That sucks." The girl said. "Yeah, it does." Harry took a drink from his coffee mug.

The bell saved me from any more awkward stares from Harry. Maddie and I quickly gathered out belongings, heading out of the room. "Well if he couldn't have made that anymore weird." I said, hooking my arm with Maddie's. "It's all good Charles." Maddie said. I shot her a glare, I hate that nickname her and Mike use.

"Do you think he'll really leave?" Maddie and I sat on a bench outside, facing the football field. "Maybe. The way things ended, it probably would be smart to never see each other again." I took my brown bag out, unwrapping my sandwich and taking a bite.

"Damn." She took the sandwich from my hand, taking a bite as well. "Would we really have made cute babies?" I brushed the bread crumbs off of my pants. "Totally." She laughed, nudging me.

A/N: Hey squad so yay I updated woo praise the lord. thanks babes for reading! (pretty little liars got me messed up yall) but hey there's more to come for this story so why not vote because you're cute BYEE

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