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I stared at Maddie as she flipped a page in her textbook. My foot was shaking and I was anticipating the worst. "You gonna tell?" I asked quietly. She ignored me for a few moments before looking at me. "I-" She began, looking down at her book then back to me. "I don't know."

I sighed and laid back on my bed. "You don't understand though, he's-"

"He's attractive, I know. I just didn't think you were the that type of girl." She shut her book.

"What do you mean?" I sat up a little, resting on my elbows. "Like, I thought you were sweet and prudish. I didn't think you were the hit and run. You know?"

I groaned. "It's not a hit and run, I think I love him." "Really?" "Maybe," I sat up again.

"I know I'm asking you something so wrong, but could you keep this to yourself?"

"I think I can." She nodded. "Good, thank you. I mean Mike knows, you know-" "Whoa," She stood up quickly "Mike knows? You told him him?" She crossed her arms. I nodded. "How could you tell him before me?" She began pacing, leaving imaginary smoke in the floor.

"Because," I stood up. "I though that if I told you you would be jealous. I know how much you like Mr. Styles." I tried to explain. "Please don't make this into a big deal."

"It already is a big deal. You are with your teacher, it's a huge deal." Maddie shot me a look that would kill anyone who wasn't used to it.

***next day***

I took out my folder to dig for the homework assignment in math. "No, no, no," I whispered to myself. "I can't find it, this isn't happening." I shut my folder angrily. This is the third time this week I have lost my homework for math, and I nearly crawled under my desk as the teacher walked to me.

"Charlie, you don't have the assignment do you?" Mrs. Montgomery looked at me. I shook my head no. "That's the third time this week, Charlie, which is why I'm giving you a ticket to homework help. For the next few school days you will go to a room and a teacher will help you make a plan with homework." She told me.

"Which teacher?" I asked. "Whichever one signed up," She smiled. "I'll write you a pass for after school." She tapped my hand, walking back to her desk.

She was definitely one of my favorite teachers, aside from Harry of course.

***after school***

The pass she had given me said to go to room 319. I opened the classroom door and walked in, only a few students sitting down. "Is this homework help?" I asked. "Yeah," I recognized the voice. "Mr. Styles, hi," I saw him sitting behind the desk.

"Hello Charlie, Mrs. Montgomery told me that you had missing assignments for awhile. Have a seat."

I sat down at a desk, taking out my math homework. "What is it Charlie?" Harry whispered as he sat down next to me. "Why are you suddenly slacking?"

"I've just been a bit distracted lately, that's all." I looked at him for a moment. "What's distracting you?" He asked. "You," I said. "You, mostly. I've just been thinking a lot, maybe over thinking this."

"What have you come up with?" He looked at me. "That this isn't a good idea. You and me, it's impossible." His face looked like I had just stabbed him in the heart. "Sorry, too harsh." I mumbled.

"I agree, I mean I've thought about this a lot too, and in my mind I think that the ending will be happy. That maybe someday we can go in public with each other. But graduation is months away, this would have to be secret for months. You would be missing out on so much. Your prom, being able to hang out with guys your age. It's a lot more than just a secret relationship, it's a toxic and poisonous one. It's one that could ruin your life, my life, your senior year. You should be having fun, but now your homework is being affected by this." It was my turn to hold the expression, but in the end I knew he was right.

"But there's one thing," He said. "And that is the fact that I love you."

I looked around the room to see if anyone was listening to our conversation, but the other three students were listening to music.

"You know how to make a depressing speech really happy in the end," I laughed quietly. "I love you." I said. If this relationship was poisonous, then it's the sweetest poison I've ever had.

/hi tysm for reading I'm a terrible human being for such a long wait for a stupidly written chapter ew im trash I'm a flop. ily though, I promise./

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