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I walked into school with Mike and Maddie hot on my trail. They were trying to get my to give details about what all went down with my uncle. They only knew small things.  "Is he gonna tell your parents?" Maddie sped up her pace so she was able to grab my hand. "I don't know, I begged him not to but you never know. I just pray he doesn't use it against me." I shrugged my shoulders. "Why would your uncle use it against you? I mean he's your uncle." Mike stared at me dumbfouded, but I just said "You don't know my uncle."


Maddie and I walked into the art room with our arms linked together, as she insisted. She's always been one of those friends that just wants to hold your hand our hug you all the time. I didn't complain, though. Hugs were always nice. Harry looked up from his desk in our direction, smiling as we made our way to our seats. Maddie pulled out her phone and began scrolling through her social medias, uttering very few words under her breath. Before class started I chose to take my sketchbook out and work on a new drawing. Well, not really new. I've been working on it for awhile.

I feel a warm body next to me, and I'm not all surprised when I look up and see Harry gazing at my paper. "Very nice, what is it?" He asked. "It's two people together, pretty much." I muttered, feeling nervous with him over my shoulder. "Who are they?" He questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, setting down my pencil. "Whoever you want it to be. I'm not adding any details so anyone can be the judge of the genders in the picture. It's just two people in love."

"Nice, I like that concept. Letting the viewer be the decider of the details." He nodded, rubbing the bottom of his chin. More students began filing in, and Harry took his place at the front of the room.


I swung my legs over Maddie's stomach as we both laid on my bed, scrolling through our phones. "Drama, drama , drama... Twitter is all drama these days." Maddie sighed, clicking off her phone and shutting her eyes. "That's why I barely use it." I laugh slightly. There was a knock at the door and before I could get up to open it, my dad peeks his head in. "Hey, Charlie, I need to talk to you. Maddie do you think you could..." My dad didn't have to finish, as Maddie pushed my legs off of her and strolled out.

My dad walked in fully, shutting the door behind him. He twirled my desk chair around and sat down, folding his hands and staring at me. "I'm sorry, am I supposed to say something?" I asked, putting my phone down and sat up fully. "No, I'm sure in a minute you'll be talking a lot though." He stared off into space, not saying anything for another minute.

"Your uncle was in town, for a bit. I don't know what to say here Charlie." He shuts his eyes tightly. What the hell is happening?

"He told me about you and your teacher, Mr. Styles. He tells me you're off in a relationship with him." He finally spits out. I don't know what to do at this point. I feel like the room is spinning, and visions of Harry being set off in handcuffs plays through my mind. "I-I... dad..." I can't think of words to string together to make something comprehendable.

"Please don't do anything to him." I feel my throat start to swell up and tears brimmimg my eyes. "I won't, yet. This has to stop Charlie." He began getting upset at the sight of tears rolling down my cheeks. "Dad... just please don't tell mom."

"I won't if you won't." He gives me a slight smile and shrugs. "I am definitely not okay with this, but we don't your mom finding out. Ever. But Charlie, this could blow up, you know that right? Your chance at a life will be over and he'll be locked away in jail. I don't want to be the dictatorship of your life or choices, but I do want you to think about the possible consequences. I suggest you end it now, and save it for later. It's your senior year, you don't want to screw up now."

"I hear you dad, I do. But I really like him." I frown and think about what my dad said. "Well, there are two choices." He says standing up. "One is right, one is wrong." He walks out. I have a lot to think about.

a/n: award for worst updater goes to me! talk about writers block fam wow. thanks for reading though i appreciate it. ill try to make a schedule but i suck so ;\\ byee

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