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"Oh my god, it's my little niece Charlie."

As soon as I heard those words, I instinctively took a step back. "Uncle Chad?" I looked into the car. He slowly waved at me. "Hi," I waved back. He took the keys out of the ignition, stopping the car. "What are you doing?" Harry asked him. "Getting out." Chad opened his door and stepped out.

Harry soon followed, standing beside me. "Are you two insane?" He asked, looking at the both of us. I felt like a small child being talked at by their parent. "I don't think we should do this outside, Chad. Lets all just get in the car and drive for awhile." Harry spoke calmly. "We just got out of the car, Harry." Chad put is fingers on the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes in frustration. "Come on." Harry opened the back door for me as he got in the front. A minute passed and Chad decided to get in.

"How long has this been going on?" Chad asked quietly, beginning to drive. "A few months." Harry told him. "And you're her teacher, right?" Chad glanced at Harry. "I am." Harry nodded.

"And what about you back there?" Chad looked in the rear view mirror. "Huh?" I said. "Are you aware that this is wrong? What you two are doing?" He asked. "I am aware." I looked down at my hands.

"Have you two... you know..." Chad began to say. "No, no." Harry shook his head. "Oh, alright."

"Chad, you're not gonna tell my parents, are you?" I leaned forward a bit. "I don't know sweetie, I mean you're putting a lot at stake. It'd be better to just handle it this way, telling them." He explained. "You think they'd handle it well? No, they wouldn't. They'd put Harry in jail." I knew they would.

"Again, I don't know. I want what's best for you."

"Well Harry is what's best for me." I began getting irritated which was clear in my tone.

"I haven't spoken to your dad in years, Charlie. I'm not sure if I want to either, so calm down." Chad chuckled softly.

"I know that what we're doing is wrong. But it's not like we're together so Charlie can get a better grade or anything." Harry said. Chad shrugged. "I just don't want anything happening to my little niece. I mean you were quite the ladies man in college, Harold. Don't forget that." Chad laughed along with Harry. "I know. Our days in college were prime. Too bad your brother was such a buzzkill on the weekends." Harry said.

Chad was a lot younger than my dad, younger by 19 years. It seems crazy, but they both have different dads, which is kind of way they're not really close even as adults.

"You met my dad when you were in college?" I asked Harry. "Well no. He wasn't actually going to college and I didn't have any interest to meet the guy Chad always complained about."

"I would've complained more about my mom," I said. "Yeah she was just as bad. She acted like she was my mom." Chad laughed. "So tell me more about this Harry college version." I said to Chad. "Hey, hey, there's nothing to know." Harry looked at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Chad who began to speak.

"He was definitely a ladies man. He broke a lot of hearts, made girls cry. He got away with a lot of shit, like a lot of pranks. I don't know how many girlfriends this guy has had in his college years." Chad told me. "Wow Harry you really sounded like an asshole." I laughed. "I'm different now, like a Harry 2.0." He mumbled. I could tell he was uncomfortable, and I won't lie so was I.

"Yeah, you're different bud." Chad chuckled and playfully hit Harry's arm.

***short and anticlimactic chapter! i'll start writing the next chapter right now and update it asap! love you so much, please vote and comment!<3***any grammar errors? tell me so i can fix them!***

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