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I hit my head on the way underneath the bed, but that was the least of my worries. "I'll be right back," Harry whispered before exiting the room. I knew it was safe for me to at least breathe, but I couldn't. At least not for now.

Harry's POV

I opened the door for Mrs. Shifters when I returned back downstairs. "Mr. Styles," She did a little tilt of the head which in a way was a friendly greeting but I couldn't help but feel like there was some sort of tension which made me want to run away. "Hello, I wasn't expecting you." I smiled. "Well I have things to talk about, I hope you didn't have company.." She glanced behind me in a very suspicious way, but maybe that was just me being paranoid.

"No, of course not."

"I saw the car parked out front and was a bit adamant of knocking, but I figured I'd try." She said. I did a little thing with my eyebrows and peeked around her seeing Charlie's car sat outside. "Oh, that's weird." 

We sat on my couch with coffee in our hands, chatting about new teachers, teacher's leaving, student teachers, all of the boring stuff that came along with being a teacher. But on the inside I wanted nothing more than to be upstairs with Charlie in my arms watching a movie. I would play with the ends of her hair and stroke her smooth face, and I guess through the midst of me daydreaming of this beautiful student Mrs. Shifters had tried talking to me.

She snapped a few times in my face before my thoughts came back to reality.

"Sorry, didn't mean to snap at you, but you were kind of gone." She laughed a bit and routinely I joined in with a more shaky laugh that (thank God) was masked by her laughing.

And with a short "I better get going" and little goodbyes she was gone and Charlie and I were alone in this big house and that made my happy.

I went back upstairs and let Charlie know that it was clear and she didn't have to hang out with the dust bunnies anymore. When she emerged from under the bed her hair was a bit ruffled but that was okay because it looked stunning on her which I guess is what you'll always believe when you're in love.

Charlie's POV

"What'd she want?" I asked. "Just new teacher information, nothing much." He told me. Good.

It's like he had read my mind as he came up to me and kissed me. It's not so much that we hated being apart from each other but more of the fact that us being alone wasn't going to be a common thing, and we wanted each other as much a possible in the little time. Not so much in a sexually driven way. Each other's presence alone was enough to drive you crazy and all you needed was a kiss, a brush of the hand, a little glance and you could be satisfied for at least a little while.

His arms was wrapped around my waist and we stood in silence and tried figuring out what each other was thinking, and there was a very faint sound of a train passing through which resembled my thoughts perfectly.

"I just wanna be with you." He whispered so quietly that it seemed like the train was louder. "Spend the night?" He asked. "How could I say no?" I didn't mean to say that out loud, but I did anyway and Harry gave the most comforting smile that didn't make my words feel awkward but appreciated.

"You can just wear some of my clothes to bed, I don't mind." He walked to his drawer and pulled out a white short and long ass sweat pants. "Those are as long as the Nile River." I laughed and so did he.

"Wanna know what else is?" I instantly knew what he was talking about and had the sudden urge to hit him, so I did playfully of course which perpetuated him tackling me onto his bed. This all lead to a little make-out session, which sounds cliche and so high school relationship like, but what else do you call two people kissing continuously? Damned if I know.

"I'll get off of you so you can get dressed," He grinned and removed his warm body from mine which made me sad for a small second but then I remembered he's just mine this entire night. I grabbed a big white T-Shirt and slipped off my own shirt. I felt Harry's warm hands on the sides of my waist which was the most comforting thing in the world, so I closed my eyes and felt this moment with him rather than just feeling the touch of his hands.

He thankfully let me change pants without any sort of touching, because if there was any touching I can assure you that I would not be leaving this house with my virginity in tact.

Call me crazy, I probably am.

***Thanks for reading! This chapter was a bit more wordy than my previous chapters, but I have a legit keyboard to type with wowza! Thanks for being patient, it means a lot to me!***

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