School Festival: Cooking Club

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It's time for the school's annual festival. All the clubs had to come up with activities that the people attending the festival could do. However, if you weren't a part of a club you could sign up with the Student Council to help clubs set up their activities and help them throughout the festival.

To help set up activities, each club was given a certain amount of money to help them and because they were given money, they had to earn it all back by the end of the festival. Any leftover money would be split in half. One half would go to the school and the other half the club was able to keep.

The clubs had two weeks to prepare, and right now Ayoshi sat in the Cooking Club room trying to come up with ideas for what they should do.

"Well, we're the Cooking Club, so obviously our activity needs to involve food," Ashitomi said.

"Well, I heard another club is going to make food. We don't want too many repeats," Miyu said.

"What types of food are they making?"

"I think it was cafe food, but I don't think they're going to do pastries."

"Ohh, I want to do pastries!"

"Yeah, they're way more fun to make than regular food!"

All the girls agreed on wanting to make pastries and desserts, so they looked towards their club president.

Amao looked at Ayoshi, "What do you say?"

"Mm, I want to do sweets," Ayoshi agreed.

Amao looked back at the girls and smiled, "Ok then, sweets it is. All we need to decide is whether you want to have a cafe in the clubroom or have a booth outside."

"I want to do a booth."

"I agree. We'll get more traction if we're outside."

"It's decided. We'll have a booth," Amao said.

All the girls were very happy, discussing all the things they wanted to bake, until... "Wait, guys!" Miyu cried out. Everyone looked at her confused. She smiled at them, "We obviously need cute outfits to go along with our booths."

"You're right!"

"Should we wear maid outfits?"

"No, some other class is already doing a maid cafe."

"Let's not do maid outfits. Our outfits should be original."

Everyone started thinking about what their uniform should be, until they heard an, "Oh," come out of their president.

"Did you think of something, President?"

"I believe so. How about desert-themed uniforms?"

"President, you're a genius!"

"I can already imagine myself in a cupcake-themed dress!"

"I want mine to be mochi-themed!"

"I want mine to be strawberry milk-themed." Ayoshi's words silenced everyone. The group started giggling at him, but he looked at them with his head tilted. "Why are you laughing?"

"Aishi-kun strawberry milk isn't a desert," Ashitomi said

They all saw Ayoshi's imaginary puppy ears droop. "So I can't have a strawberry milk dress?"

Amao, surprised by Ayoshi's words, asked, "A dress?"

Ayoshi looked at him like he was confused by the question, "Yes."

When the girls came back from their shock, they started squealing.

"Aishi-kun sweetie, you can totally wear a strawberry mild dress!"

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