Chapter 39

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Throughout the festival, the Drama Club's play became a huge hit. They were packed every show. On the last day and their last showing, all the boys managed to get away from their tasks to watch. When the play ended, they were the loudest in the crowd, clapping and cheering.

Ayoshi was taking off his makeup when they all rushed over. They smiled at him and their eyes filled with warmth. He looked away, silent for a few seconds. "I would like to invite you to my home. I want to introduce my friends to my parents."


Ryoba rushed around the house filled with excitement. "I can't believe it. My baby's friends are coming over and there's so many!"

Jokichi chuckled, "Honey, calm down."

"No! Everything must be perfect for our guests," Ryoba said, fluffing the pillows. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, causing her to freeze. "They're here!" She straightened her clothes and walked over, opening the door. With a big smile, she said, "Welcome!"

All the boys had agreed to meet at the park so they could arrive at Ayoshi's house at the same time. "Hello," they said enthusiastically while walking in.

Jokichi noticed them looking around. "Our son is upstairs in his room. If you would like, you could go up there or we could call him down."

"No thank you. We'll go up ourselves," Megamo answered for everyone.

Jokichi nodded, "His room is the first door on the right."

They walked upstairs, soon arriving in front of the door. Oko knocked, "Ayoshi, it's us. May we come in?"

"Mm." They walked in on Ayoshi sitting on his bed reading a book. He gestured around the room, "Please sit wherever you like."

They rushed to sit next to Ayoshi, with the winners being Aso and Osoro. The others glared at them, but they just smiled in triumph.

Taro sat on the floor on a cushion. "I've been wondering, why did you want all of us here?"

Ayoshi looked into all of their eyes. "I have something important I need to talk to you about."

The boys frowned, nervous at Ayoshi's serious tone, but they nodded. "You can tell us anything," Amao said, giving him a reassuring smile.

"I have grown to care for all of you and I hope you will not grow to be disgusted with me," Ayoshi said, fiddling with his hair.

"That could never happen!" Aso said, grabbing his hands while the others agreed.

"All my life, I've been isolated by those around me because of my demeanor. People have called me cold, strange, emotionless, a monster, and many other things."

Osoro clenched his fist, his face darkening. "Who?" He asked, his voice deep and low.

Ayoshi shook his head, "This was a long time ago, however, many of the things they said were not wrong. I was born into a family of female yanderes. The women in my family lived the first half of their lives soulless, void of emotions until they met their senpai in high school. Meeting their senpai brought color to their life, but sadness, anger, and possessiveness were things they were also finally able to feel. I was the first ever male born in my family. My entire life my mother told me I would one day meet my senpai just like them and told me that I would have to do whatever it took to capture their heart, even if it meant hurting and using others along the way. So when I began this year, that was my goal." He closed his eyes, head hanging. "I am sorry..."

"What could you possibly be sorry for?" Budo asked, brows furrowed.

"I didn't become friends with some of you with pure intentions. Only to... use you..." Ayoshi whispered.

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