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Josh POV

"Colleen are you kidding?" I say looking at her. "Yes" she says and starts laughing. "Got you again!" she says laughing. "Babe you are gonna give me a heartattack" I say shakin my head. She rolls over and closes her eyes giggling still. I start rubbing her back as she falls asleep.

I continue on editing on my laptop and about 30 minutes later Colleen rolls over towards me "Babe I am not feeling well" she says. "Whats wrong? are you gonna be sick?" I say looking at her. She nods her head and runs to the bathroom and starts throwing up. I sit behind her rubbing her neck. "You ok Colleen?" I ask. Just then she doubles over in pain on the floor. "Josh this is real" she says with tears in her eyes. "Oh my god babe you are gonna have the girls!" I say smiling. I help her off the floor and as soon as she stands up her water breaks and it goes everywhere. Colleen is loosing it now in pain. I help her clean herself up and change her clothes and I grab the car keys and we walk slowly to the car. She stops in the front lawn and screams as she doubles over again. "Colleen these are coming close together we need to get in the car now" I say. She nods. I sit her down and I start driving. I am holding her hand talking her through every contraction. "you have to breathe babe" I say. She nods. By the time I get her to the hospital she is down right sobbing. "Baby we are here. Dont cry" I say worriedly. "Josh I am in so much pain....I need drugs!" she says. I nod. They take Colleen right into a room and get her a gown and hook her up to the baby monitor. Colleen is not even looking at me anymore. She is in so much pain and is hunched over laying in bed. I am rubbing her back and kissing her head as she lays there. It is so hard for me to see her like this but I know labour is like this. The doctor comes in and checks her as she grabs my hand in pain. "Its ok babe....the girls are almost here" I whisper to her. She smiles. "Colleen you are at an 8 won't be long now you will be holding your girls" the doctor says. "Just breathe Colleen, I love you hun"

Colleen POV

I am in so much pain. I am squeexing the shit out of Joshua's hand. Finally after another hour I feel way too much pressure and I know its time. "Joshua" I say looking at him. "I need to push" I say crying. Joshua goes and tells the nurse and the nurse checks me. "Its time Colleen. Give us 5 minutes to get set up. Just keep breathing through it. Don't push yet" she says. "Joshua I need to push" I say looking at him. "Colleen baby...calm down and start breathing through the pressure" he says. I grab his face. He is so cute at this moment. I bring him down to kiss me. I need it to get me through. He grabs my hands with both of his hands. "I love you Colleen Evans" he says. I smile. "Okay Colleen we are ready for the girls...start pushing! Chin down to your chest GO!!!" the doctor says. Josh is holding my leg and my hand and staring right at me through every contraction. In between contractions I feel like I am sleeping I am so exhausted. "Babe one of the girls is almost here...push babe" he says rubbing my cheek. I nod and start pushing even harder. "I see her head Colleen...come on babe" he says excitedly. "Okay Colleen one more push and baby #1 will be here" the doctor says. I start screaming when I feel her shoulders come through me and relief when I feel her escape my body. "So who is this guys?" the doctor asks us. "Its Lilly Mae" Josh says as he starts crying. "Colleen she is gorgeous and looks exactly like you" he says kissing me. "Okay Colleen one more baby to go...who is this?' the doctor asks. "Keira Lynn" Josh says. "Ok Colleen lets get Keira into your arms...go!!!" the doctor says. I start screaming as I am pushing. "Joshua it hurts so bad I am not having anymore kids after this" I say and everyone in the room is laughing including Josh. I keep pushing but Keira won't come out. "Colleen I hate to do this but hold onto Josh this is gonna hurt...breathe" the doctor says and right after he reaches inside me and twists Keira to guide her out. "Oh my god!!" I am yelling. Joshua is crying and kissing me. "Ok Colleen go!" the doctor says. "I can't" I say crying. "Colleen baby you can...we need both girls" Josh whispers. He is wiping the tears from my face. I start pushing harder and I feel Keira's head and then body come out. I am in relief and all the pain disappears. Josh is balling and kissing me. "Keira looks like me babe" he says. I am breathing heavily. I am enjoying not being in excruciating pain. I close my eyes and then I hear nothing......

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