Go home

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Josh POv

I get up early after booking a 1045am flight and wake up Colleen so we can get going home. I start lightly shaking her but she isn't budging. "Babe, Colleen?" I ask concerned now. "Joshua I feel so sick please stop moving me" she whines. "Morning sickness?" I ask her rubbing her back. She shrugs. "We have to get going to make the flight hun" I say. I pick her up and carry her into the bathroom with me. I stand in the shower and we shower together and I try to help her. She is totally a mess. We finish up and she can barely stand. "Colleen do we need to go to urgent care again?" I ask holding her waist. "No" she says and she walks away from me to get dressed and she falls. She lands on her knees and starts crying. "Oh my god Colleen!" I say. "You ok?" I ask her. She nods. Her knees are all torn up. "Lets go home" she says and continues on getting dressed. She is white as a sheet. "You spotting today Colleen?" I ask her while I get dressed. She shakes her head no. I gather all the rest of our stuff up and I link arms with her down the hallway and out to the taxi waiting to take us to the airport. We climb in the car and she falls asleep instantly. Something in my gut tells me something is wrong. We pull up to the airport we check in and check Colleens bags. I am hoping food will wake her up.

Colleen POV

We are sitting in a Starbucks at the airport. I am leaning on Josh while sitting down. He has got me a cookie and a muffin. He is trying to get me to eat anything at this point. I start nibbling on the cookie and keep taking more bites and as I do I am feeling more human. Josh is smiling at me. "So we know what works now don't we?" he says hugging me. "At this point I don't care what you eat as long as you eat" he says and kisses my cheek. "Josh I can't get enough of your cologne. The scent is settling my stomach babe" I say nuzzling up to him. "You can snuggle there for the next 8 months if you want babe" he says as we both giggle. Josh looks more at ease because I am coming back to life. We go over to the gate and wait for the plane. Josh bought two more cookies for the plane ride just in case. We get on the plane and we cozy up to each other. "Josh what will we call this baby if its a girl? " I ask. He looks at me. "Sydney?" he says. "Well that was fast" I say laughing. "I like that name" he says. "Me too. Middle name?" I ask him waiting on a response. "Anne" he says. "Sydney Anne Evans" I say repeating it. "I like it babe" I say. He kisses me on the lips and rubs my tummy.

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