Keira and Lillys second birthday

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Colleen POV

We are celebrating the girls second birthday. We are having a full-on princess birthday party with friends, family and a few work people that know the girls. We rented a bouncy castle too. The girls were so excited watching the guys blow up the bouncy castle with Josh. Josh was sitting on a chair with the girls on his lap. It was so cute as I watched from the back porch. I took a picture with my zoom with my good camera. I started walking across the lawn and approached the girls and Josh. I am taking pics as I go of everything. "Mommy!!! Look at the castle" Lilly yells. "I see it baby" I say. "You guys love it?" I say smiling. "YESSSSS!!!" Lilly and Keira both start yelling as they jump off his lap. Josh is laughing as he walks up to me. "Sad you aren't allowed to jump in it?" He asks me as he wraps his arms around me. "Maybe we should rent one on Noahs birthday and it can put me into labour" I suggest. "No thank you" he says. We both laugh. Josh then asks if I should bring their birthday gifts around back for them. "Sure let them enjoy them now" I say. Josh walks around to the side of the house and brings over two pink big wheel tricycles. They freak out as they push the them around.

Josh Pov

The girls love their little tricycles. They are showing everyone as they walk into the party. All of our family comes and some youtube friends as well as a couple of management people Colleen and I work with. One of the newer management people Karen came as well. I didn't know her that well but the other execs brought her along so she could get to know us better. I looked over at Colleen during the party and she was not happy about this Karen. I saw Colleen walk into the house so I followed her. " whats wrong?" I asked. "That girl has the hots for you Joshua.... I don't like her. My manager told me she was asking about you" she says. "Let her ask. I am already in love" I say. Colleen sat down as I held her hand. "She is gorgeous and has an amazing body and she gets to work with my husband when I am not around.... I am so thrilled" she says. "I will switch her out if she bothers you babe" I say rubbing her back. She sits silently. I have never seen Colleen this rattled by another woman before.

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