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|| Rorisang's Pov ||

"Joh why would we buy cocktails like this is gonna be some fancy party?" Rick asked one of the boys that was helping us plan the event. I chuckled at how absurd the guy was thinking we'd buy cocktail but at least he was thinking of new ways to do things. "Banyana joh," he responded, "maybe ha ba lapisitse Ke bojwala, they can drink cocktails you know." We all chuckled at his suggestion, not believing he was bringing up such an idea.

We've been planning events every year and all have them have been more or less the same so we needed something different now. Something new. "Nah that won't work out," Rick added. The posters had already been created and posted but we needed something that wasn't on those posters, that would surprise people.

My boys continued talking as I walked out the yard to blow a blunt. I could've done it next to them but I really needed some fresh air. After a few minutes I texted Rick saying I would be taking a quick five minute walk and proceeded around the streets of kasi. It was round about 5pm and people were coming back from work, the sun was setting and there was this amazing breeze that was hitting my face.

"Guy from Instagram?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned my head to see quite a pleasant surprise. "Itu hi," I greeted her, not believing I got another chance to see her in person. This was definitely the time to ask her if she would be willing to go to the party with me. "We bump into each other yet again," she said, smiling. She was nothing different to her Instagram posts.

"Yep, yet again," I said, putting out a smile that wasn't as close to being as perfect as her smile was. "You live around here?" She asked. "Yeah obviously, I thought I had already told you that"
"No I mean, this specific area. Like around this block"
"Oh no, quite some blocks away. You?"
"Same," she responded. She had on this beautiful off the shoulder dress that held her curves just the right way.

"I would ask which house but that would be too quick of me," I said, regretting it instantly later. No one would really just give out that information. "That's you asking," she chuckled. Comfortable silence fell upon us as we walked, it was starting to get dark and I wondered if she felt the need to go home. I should probably ask her now before it's too late.

"Mind going to a party with me?" I asked. She looked at me before chuckling and nodding her head as agreement. I don't know why but I really thought it would be harder than that. "Really? Just like that?" I asked.
"I mean it's not like it's gonna be a date or anything like that so yeah"
"Ouch," I responded, not quite expecting that one.

I knew she probably didn't mean it. She just wanted to get me off the high horse I was on, which I completely understood. She chuckled once more and we carried on walking, the breeze slightly becoming too windy. I took off my hoodie, offering it to her and she took it with the same smile I've always been obsessed about.

"Think we should head back?" She asked.
"If you want to, yeah sure"
"But you can't go together because I'll like to not let anyone know where I live," she said.
I smiled, nodding in agreement as I respected her decision.

I knew a different route to take back to Rick's place so I only watched as she walked away. I'm surely going to cuff this one.

* * *

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