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                                      | | Itumeleng's Pov ||

Getting into the stranger's house, I felt quite uneasy. She eyed me as I awkwardly stood in the corner and I could hear Romeo's footsteps. "Your girlfriends here," she said as Romeo walked in and it suddenly seemed like Romeo had this fear all over his face. "Uh...oh...um," he started, now staring directly into my eyes. I would be lying if I said I didn't know what was clearly happening but I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it. "Is there something I'm missing?" I asked, wanting to make sure that what I thought was happening, was actually happening. "What you're missing. You wanna know what your missing?" the girl said, now moving a bit closer to me.

"Felicia wait," Romeo said coming in between us and thats when I knew something was about to start. Something was definitely about to start. "I can explain okay, to the both of you," he said now with his arms spread out, blocking the both of us. "All I need to know is who the main was," Felicia said, still staring directly into my eyes. "Can you not do this? I was just wanna explain" Romeo said making me roll my eyes. I thought this guy was an entire husband but no, he's just some typical "can i explain" player of a rat.

"I'm out of here," I said, having changed my mind. I initially wanted to fight her the same way I've fought every girl that has ever disrespected me but I decided against it. I couldn't possibly fight to have him. "Itu please," He pleaded as I started walking out,  "I just need the both of you to listen to me. Itu! Itumeleng!"
After walking out I realized I still had his car keys and his very own car. I hated taking taxis and I didn't have money for an uber either so I just decided to call my father. He was always there for me, no matter what.

"Itu please," Romeo was now behind me. "I really need you to leave me alone," I said still facing forward. In this moment I wanted to cry, I wanted to beat him up, I wanted to beat everyone up but somehow I contained myself. I held everything inside. "I loved the both of you, equally" he said, moving even closer. I don't know what came over me but I turned around and literally just slapped him, thrice in a row. He looked at me in this shock I didn't really understand. I mean you fucked me up so what did you really expect? A kiss?

"Never," I slightly raised my voice, "utter that word to me again. I've wasted who knows how many months with you Romeo and even now, after everything has been finally revealed, you lie to me? Again?"
"Its not a lie, Itu please"
"I don't have time for this," I immediately unlocked my phone and went onto my contacts app, searching for my dads number.
He was still talking and pleading but I wasn't really listening. I pressed the call button and the phone against my ear to hear it ringing. My dad usually answered majority of his phone calls so I didn't see how he wouldn't answer mine.

"Hello," his voice finally sounded through the phone.
"Hi pa, its me" I said, already feeling awkward. I hadn't spoken to my dad since forever and now almost seemed as if I didn't know him. Like somehow all that has been happening has made me not see him as my father anymore. With Romeo still waiting behind me, we had our little conversation and he agreed on fetching me.

"So this is really it?" Romeo said as soon as I ended the call. I looked at him one last time before I started walking away. My dad and I had agreed that he would pick me up at the Mahube Valley Ext.2 so that's where I was heading. I deserved so much better than all this bull Romeo pulled and I wouldn't even dare look back.

                                                    * * *

Hey guyss❤
Hope you all had a good day.
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