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|| Itumeleng's Pov ||

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I thought it was Romeo as he still hadn't arrived back and its been past five but as I picked up my phone I realized it was actually my mother. She hadn't called since forever. "Hello," I answered the call, already knowing what it was all about. "Itumeleng, where are you?" She asked, sounding as worried as always.

"By Romeo's place," I answered, finding no use to lie. My parents had always known that I never wanted to go to Mamelodi and so how did they really expect me to stay there. "Na re keng ka wena? Had we not agreed that you would stay with your aunt?"
She said and I instantly rolled my eyes. My mother clearly didn't understand that I was no longer twelve. "Ma, please. If you knew how I was being treated there, you wouldn't be saying that"

"How you were being treated? Itumeleng your aunt's house is not a mansion, Mamelodi isn't some estate so of course your spoilt self wouldn't feel like you're being treated right" she said, making me even more shocked. I've heard a lot of people saying that I was spoilt but my mother has never. She damn well knew I wasn't. I could practically do everything by myself.

"Ma lets just not go that route," I said, "Romeo and I are both old enough"
"Old enough for what exactly?"
"To live together ma"
"Can you afford a baby right now?"
"What? No ma," she was clearly going way overboard, "We're not having a baby. We're just living together"
"Please just go back to your aunt Itu. I don't trust your boyfriend enough to allow you to live with him"
"You don't have to allow me ma. I can make my own decisions"

"Itumeleng please," she pleaded but I refused to change my mind. If they weren't willing to offer me a proper place of my own then I would be staying here. Whether they like it or not. "You know what I'm currently going through, you can't possibly want me to stress about you" she said and I wasn't surprised at how she literally just used her divorce to get me to go back to living with my aunt.

"I think we're done talking ma," I said and before she could stay anything else I hung up the call. I had no idea how I would convince Romeo that we'd be living together but I had to do it, there was no other option. Finally getting out of bed, my put on my hoodie and slippers. Romeo had two cars that he would exchange on a weekly basis and so I decided to use his other car to go look for him. I actually wanted him to go grocery shopping with me.

Getting in the car, I switched on my phone and logged into the location app. I had never used it on my boyfriend since I felt no need to but I was currently searching for him so I can no option but to do it. Filling in Romeo's number, I frowned at the location that popped up. Since when, in the world, does Romeo go to Mamelodi?

He knows no one there so why on earth would he go there? Feeling more buffled up than ever, I started the car and drove off. So many thoughts of whether he'd actually give in to the both of us living together, what kind of job I would get to support him or even if I would a job filled my mind as I continued driving.

I was just so sure of everything. I wanted nothing else. If I would fall pregnant somehow then it wouldn't be a problem, I was very serious with Romeo. After driving through the bit of traffic I finally turned right onto the route near mams mall and made my way to Romeo's location.

I had no idea whether it was far or close to my aunt's house since I didn't really know Mamelodi but I hoped it really wasn't. Finally reaching my destination I noticed Romeo's car was actually parked inside the house. The house was relatively a bit big in terms of size and the gate was slightly open.

I parked the car just on the front lawn, outside the gate and made my way in the yard. The house was oddly too quiet for two people to be in it but I knocked either way. After waiting for quite a few moments I finally heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Hi," I awkwardly greeted, not expecting a girl to actually open the door. "Hi," she greeted back, showing some kind of disinterest. "Um is Romeo here? I noticed his car" I said and she stared at me for a while, almost like she was trying to figure something out.

"How do you know thats his car?'' She asked, still giving me that kind of look.
"Oh he's my boyfriend," I replied and this was suddenly this long moment of silence. She went from giving the most disinterested look to one of anger, more like disgust specifically.

"You're his what?"
I was so confused.
"His girlfriend," I replied and she stared at me one more time before shouting out his surname. Romeo hated people ever calling him by his surname so who was she really?

                                                       * * *

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