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|| Rorisang's Pov ||

Nobuhle hadn't done anything major yet. I kept thinking about how she warned me about regretting not sleeping with her and so I was really waiting for something huge but luckily nothing happened. "Chillas?" Rick said holding a cooler box in his hand. Every now and then my guys and I would go chill at the park and just talk about the usual thing. "Sure," I responded, grabbing my phone from the table. We weren't a lot, just a group of four and they were the only real guys I had in my life.

"So o sortele mess ya gago?" Thato, one of my guys asked as we got in the car. This was the one topic I was really avoiding to talk about. "Akitsi joh," I responded, annoyed that he had to ask me about that. If there's one thing I really hated its being involved in drama and no matter how many times I try to avoid it, I'm always somehow involved in it. Especially with girls.

"If you don't, its forever going to be problem. Just advising you" Thato said and I was even more annoyed with hoe everyone was agreeing with him. If only the knew how it felt like being in my shoes. We spent the rest of the ride not talking as we played amapiano music and for some reason, my mind kept going back to the girl I saw a few days back. She looked nothing like a typical mams chick and I wanted to know her. Hell, I wanted to love her.

We arrived at the park with the music still playing and got out of the car. I took the cooler box out of the boot while Thato and the rest of the guys were putting up their camp chairs. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon and the park was filled with a couple of people here and there. Finally putting up my camp chair, I sat down and started scrolling through my phone. One of my guys gave me a bottle of alcohol and I continued scrolling through my phone, not wanting to be involved much in the conversation.

"Dai baby ke chipi joh. Okase mpotse dilo tseo," Rea said, obviously arguing about a girl - as always. If it wasn't girls, it was soccer and if not that we'd just be getting high or drunk. I loved my guys, I really did but at times they would really drain me. I mean really drain me. "Kanti Rori why o didimetse so?" Rick asked, diverting his attention to me. I lifted my head to answer him and was literally stopped immediately. The same girl, same girl I had been meaning to find and talk to was front of me. Right in front of me.

She looked a little pissed or off about something and I felt the greatest urge to finally approach and talk to her. "Eh joh wang kotla nare?" I heard Rick's voice. Without any further thought, I got up and started walking up towards her. I don't know why but something about her really turned me the fuck on.

"Hellos" I greeted her as I sat beside her on the bench. She glanced  sideways, still a bit annoyed but I could see I could make conversation with her. "Hi," she greeted back, diverting her attention back to her phone. "I see you're new around here," I said, trying to get her attention. "Just visiting," she said, still concentrated on her phone.

The fact that she wasn't giving the attention made me want her even more because I was used to all these girls and all these girls wanted me. She was just different and thats what I liked. "Oh really? Where you from?" I asked but immediately regretted it once she glared at me. "If what I think you're doing is actually what you're doing then no thanks," she said. My pride got hit heavily but I decided to carry on. I definitely had to get this one.

"I mean that's what I'm doing but can't a nigga get a chance?" I asked, deciding not to beat around the bush. A red range rover parked near the park and she stood up, ready to leave. "Name nyana?" I asked as she began walking but she looked back, smiled and carried on walking. I didn't know who she was and where she even lived but with the amount of connections I had, I could surely find out.

                                                     *   *   *

If you're writer please check out my Works Of Africa Contest that I posted right here, on wattpad. I would appreciate your participation.

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