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|| Rorisang's Pov ||

I was fucked. More than fucked.
I didn't know what was going on in Nobuhle's mind to pull the stunt she had just pulled but now, there was no chance of me getting Itumeleng. She really deserved none of what happened. "What's the plan joh?" Rick asked me. We were currently sitting in his living room, smoking hubbly. My mind kept going back to the look she gave me before walking back to my car and I couldn't help but feel responsible for all this.

"I don't know," I responded. I hated drama, with a passion and Nobuhle always managed to put me in the middle of it, somehow. I hated her for that. It was time me and her had a real talk. "I'm coming back," I said, getting up. I mostly avoided approaching Nobuhle but I was sick and tired of her deeds. "I hope you're sure about what you're about to do," I heard Rick shout out as I left the house. My car was parked right outside the yard and it didn't take time for me to get there.

After driving for a couple of minutes, I finally made it to Nobuhle's house. Her mother was outside hanging clothes and as I had never wanted to meet or encounter her, I simply called Nobuhle. "Hello," she answered in the voice I used to be so obsessed. "Are you home?" I asked, getting straight to the point.
"Now, you decide you want me?" She said, getting way above herself as usual. I had to be smart. If I said what I really wanted to say over the phone, she might not want us to meet. I had to make her curious.

"Look, where are you? This is really urgent," I asked her. "I'll come outside," she responded, indicating that she was indeed by her house. I hung up the phone and waited for a couple of minutes before I saw her coming out. "Glad you came to your senses," she said, right after getting into the car. "Nobuhle," I now turned to look at her, "I don't know if you got this the first time but we're over, we've been over. Stop making my life difficult, stop going around beating people you don't know. There is nothing between us, I feel nothing towards you. Move on, I don't care with who. If you feel the need to date or fuck one my niggas as revenge, do it - whatever it takes. Just stop interfering with my life."

She stared at me, with an expressionless face that made me fear for my life. She dug into the mini bag I wondered why she had left with but after she pulled out what looked like a pregnancy test, my heart instantly skipped a beat. There was no way. "Valentines day, backseat of this car. Exactly a month ago," she stated. It couldn't be, it really couldn't be.

I sat there, feeling the sweat pile up on my forehead until I remembered a little rumour I didn't want to believe at first. "How do I know you're not lying about the father?" I asked her, knowing precisely how she would deny it. The one thing I never doubted myself for was my pull out game. People always made rumours but I had never impregnated anyone before.

"I'm not raising this child alone," she stated, completely ignoring my question. I chuckled, not believing a single thing that was happening right now. She knew she couldn't have me, now she wanted to trap me with some baby. This entire thing was probably even a lie. "Get out of my car," I stated. I knew this conversation wouldn't go as planned but I really didn't expect it to reach such measures.

"Fine," she stated, "I'll get out of your car but just know I'm never getting out of your life. I was fine Ke one Rori and you approached me and decided I was worthy of your time. Now all of a sudden I'm pregnant and tables turn? You seriously want your child to grow up without a father the same way you did?" I slapped her, unexpectedly.

She held her one cheek in shock as she stared at me. Her mother had been watching the entire time and it was in this moment when she came running. I seriously didn't know what had gotten over me. The mother was furiously knocking on my window, shouting out words I personally did not want to hear.

"Now you aren't only someone who uses people but you're a definite abuser as well."

                                   * * *
Do you guys really think that's Rori's baby? Where do you guys think Nobuhle is going with this whole thing?
I'm genuinely excited for the crazy drama that's about to happen.
Stay tuned ❤️❤️

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