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|| Itumeleng's Pov ||

Two weeks later

I really dreaded going back. I had the most needed time to myself being home with my dad and now I had to go back. I had to relive all the nonsense that happened back there. Romeo texted me several times asking for forgiveness and how "it was never his intention" but I didn't even respond. He deserved nothing from me. "O ready?" My dad popped in and I nodded my head. I knew Mamelodi was really the last place I wanted to be but since my parents still needed their space, I had no option. I didn't even understand why they were still under the same roof.

I took my baggage down the stairs and outside to see Lerato standing there with bouquet of flowers. "Chomi!" I said, already feeling like I wanted to cry. These past two weeks had allowed me to catch up on so much with her and surprisingly to me, she was going through just as much. I couldn't even begin to describe what raising a child alone would be like. "I'll miss you Choma" she said as I embraced her in a hug. Her bump looked extremely adorable in the dress she was wearing and I couldn't wait to meet her little one.

"Ke tlo go phone'ela every week friend," I said to her, already making that mental note. For some reason I had never wanted to text Lerato as I thought she had been avoiding me but it turns out, I was wrong. "You took everything right?" My dad asked and i nodded as I got into the car. I had already told my dad everything regarding my situation with Romeo and weirdly he dediced that he would go pay him a visit. A "non-violent" one he had explained.
I personally didn't care. I was so over this whole thing with him and I had even managed to block him. Every single where.

I switched on my data and logged into my long forgotten instagram, noticing the slight increase in my dm requests. I hardly open my dms but it was about time I got to see what was really going on there. I scrolled through the list of unfamiliar faces probably eager to waste my time until I came upon one familiar face.


- Hey stranger

I tapped onto his account, viewing his content and my mind kept on trying to register where I had seen him or if I had even met him but nothing seemed to register.

- do I know you?

I responded after accepting the request. He didn't seem too bad looking and because his intentions were obvious, I didn't mind getting a little bit of dick just to erase Romeo. A minute or two passed as I was scrolling through other things and responding to other dms until a message from him came through. A quick responder I see.

- Rorisang from Mams. We met at the Mahube valley park.

I stared at the text for a while as my mind started registering and I immediately remembered. I still felt kinda bad for how rude I was that day but I mean, he obviously wasn't holding that against me.

- oh hi

I hoped it wasn't going to be some small talk bullshit because I'd really hate myself for ever responding. I needed people that are straight to the point. You don't have to ask me about my day if all you really want to do is have sex.

- Knew i'd find you

- clearly there is something that
you want?

- Not exactly. Just came across
your page.

- more like you were looking for

- Ha lol. If you put that way then.

- am i wrong?

- Nope. Not at all. I've just recently
been seeing you around lately
and it seems like you're new
around here

- so that lead you to stalk me?

- Its not necessarily stalking

- then what is it?

- Just looking for new friends
you know

- new friends?

- Yeah

- thats not what you're looking for
lol. I'm not new to this.

- New to what?

- a boy wanting to fuck

- 😂😂okay okay i get you

- whats funny?

- Nothing. I just didn't expect

I stared at his message for a while, wondering if I should reply or not. Its been a couple of minutes into this conversation and there's been no sign of him being clear about his intentions. I wanted the exact same thing he wanted but I really didn't want to be the person to initiate it. I just hoped he would text again, this time being straight up about what he clearly wanted.

* * *

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