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A few hours later, it was on the parvis of la Defence the two women met.

"Hi," Xenia greeted Jaila, who stood next to an MT10.

"Hi," Jaila handed her a helmet.

Xenia stared at the bike, "you want me to get on this?"

"Is it alright with you? I thought it would be more fun than public transport."

"But you don't know your way around, Gregory said," Xenia said, perplexed by the woman's straightforward attitude.

' "That's what I made him think," Jaila replied with a devilish grin.

A drop of sweat pricked Xenia's forehead as she realized she had fallen in the lion's den. Still, she put on the helmet and climbed on the bike in front of Gregory, Wendon, and a few other employees leaving work.

"Hold on tight," Jaila warned.

Xenia executed the order gripping on to Jaila, who smiled as she started the engine making the bike roar.

"Damn, that is hot," Wendon exclaimed as the women drove past them.

Gregory pursed his lips as he could only imagine what Jaila planned. On the seduction scheme level, Jaila was a pro; she probably had had more women in her bed than Gregory and Wendon combined. No pushover, Jaila was sexy stiff competition.


The two women parked the bike at Rambuteau. Xenia felt like she had gained back some youth.

"Wow, that was great."

"You liked the ride; I can take you anyway time," Jaila looked straight into Xenia's eyes, making her blush like a teen.

Xenia had spent her lunch searching lesbian bars of the Marais. Niki had laughed warm-heartedly at the situation.

They started with the banana café. Xenia tried to play it naturally. She knew she had to stay neutral as winks multiplied in her direction. They found a table and sat down.

"Do you come here often, you seem popular? Jaila asked.

"No, I mean from time to time," Xenia smiled nervously and prayed she would make it through the night.

"Really, what do you usually have?" Jaila asked with a curious stare.

"A cosmo."

Xenia knew Cosmos were everywhere; it was a safe answer. She planned to keep the answers short and efficient while maintaining her butt serrée [serrer les fesses french expression meaning to tighten one's buttocks for luck].

"And you, what do you like?" Xenia returned while she looked around to familiarize herself with the place.

"Beer, always."

"I don't drink be—."

Xenia stopped in time. She was about to reveal she didn't drink beer because she still fought to regain her ultra-flat stomach.

"What were you going to say?" Jaila asked.

"I'm not a fan of beer."

"So, Xenia, are you dating Anya Fernster?"

"Oh, we stopped dating a while back, but we remained friends," Xenia repeated what Niki had told her to say.

At that moment, the waitress arrived.

"Ah, new sexy faces," the waitress said, cutting into the conversation.

Jaila stared at Xenia, who gave the waitress a gritted smile before saying, "I'm here often."

"I doubt; I'm a physio. I know every face here."

Xenia smiled at Jaila, who didn't show any signs of interest in what the waitress said. The women drank and moved to the fox bar, another famous address. With red lights and a nightclub ambiance, the atmosphere seemed more relaxed.

After a few drinks, the women continued their bar hopping to the 3w Kafé; Xenia couldn't believe Margarita's price. The alcohol was getting to Xenia, and she began to slip into a horrible state, whereas Jaila appeared to hold and asked more questions.

"So, how long have you been working in Astoria?"

"Three years," Xenia was dizzy and extremely hot, yet she too wanted answers to some of her queries.

"Jaila, are you and Gregory friends?"


"Where did you guys meet?"

"In the army."

"Ah, that explains his stuck-up natured. Has he always had his broomstick?"

"You know Gregory isn't a bad guy when you get to know him; I mean, having me as a friend proves he is not as narrow-minded as you imagine."

"That's true," Xenia replied, half-drunk, "you're cool, Jaila, but your friend is still, forget it." A woman interrupted their conversation by asking Xenia to dance.

Under the drinks' influence, Xenia danced quietly and sensually with the woman in front of Jaila's eyes, who finished her drink before joining Xenia on the dance floor. Jaila grabbed the woman's buttocks. Xenia tensed up like a surfboard.

Jaila got all the answers she needed.

After a moment, they went and sat down.

"Tell me, Xenia, why are you pretending to be gay?"

"I'm not pretending."

"Come on, Xenia; your pheromones are betraying you. I'm surprised Gregory hasn't whiffed it." Suddenly Jaila wondered if the man didn't know.

"Tell me, Xenia; I won't tell Gregory."

"Everyone thinks I'm a lesbian, and it's practical. Astoria is an all man's territory where the heads are either gay or machos; the few high up women are either bitches or sluts. To get the job, I needed to show how committed I was, and then the rumors started because I was not receptive to the men who hit on me. Now it's official; people think I'm a lesbian.

It made sense, and it was almost legit in a twisted way. Jaila didn't push further.

At 2 am, the women were almost sober, but Jaila bought Xenia home in a taxi.


They arrived at Bercy village in front of the residence.

"So, where you live?" Jaila asked.

Xenia pointed to a window on the 3rd floor, from where Xenia showed Jaila deducted which windows were Gregory's.

Gregory wasn't sleeping; he hadn't heard the click of Xenia's door. When did she count on coming home?

She had work the next day, thought Gregory, who paced in his living room. Xenia wasn't the only reason why he was up. The man had files to work on, but the woman occupied his thoughts.

Jaila could see someone watched. She smiled and pulled Xenia closer.

"What are you doing? Xenia asked, perplexed.

"It's your punishment," Jaila pulled Xenia in an embrace and kissed her.

She then slowly turned Xenia to stick her middle finger up at the window she thought was Gregory's, making sure Xenia didn't see.

Xenia, shocked, didn't push the woman away. It was her first kiss in three years, and it was good, too good. Damn, the woman can kiss, thought Xenia, who tugged on Jaila's jacket. Once Jaila let her go, Xenia finally comprehended Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl's profound meaning.

"Wow, why did you do that?"

"You want Gregory to think you're a lesbian, don't you? I'll cover you."

Jaila didn't tell Xenia she enjoyed giving Gregory the runaround. This game was going to be very amusing, thought the woman. At the same time, Jaila liked Xenia not as a potential partner but as a human.

Gregory backed away from the window, he had all the proof necessary, yet something in him didn't want to believe it though he saw with his own eyes.

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