xxBONUS: Phuket with love

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*This chapter relates to Xenia's encounter with Gregory's mom. The event happens before the Princess Tale chapter.*

Xenia looked at the back of the plane, where there was no seat left in the economy, and stared back at her first-class zone, where she and Gregory were almost the only occupants.

The woman gave the man a quizzical stare, "Eh, Gregory, how many seats did you buy on this plane?"

"Two rows in front, two on the left, two on the right, and twoㅡ."

"Okay, I got you. What little Prince wants, little Prince gets, right." Xenia said.

It was the first time Xenia had taken a first-class flight. For Gregory, it was a formality.

"What, why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong with wanting some quiet?"

Xenia rolled her eyes and released her inner Barry white voice, "Everything is wrong, sir. Flaunting like this is wrong."

Some say there's a honeymoon phase. Xenia and Gregory were still there, except now she encountered Gregory's other personality. The man didn't lie about the precious side of him. One could not find a more serious man, but he exposed how spoilt he was with Xenia and Xenia alone.

"Listen, Xenia, I sold the jets because of the carbon imprint. Please give me a break; I'm making lots of efforts here."

Of course, all of this behavior was influenced by the fact he could afford to be that way.

"I know you, Gregory. You're just trying to save money."

The man adjusted his position, "I'm not; it's for the planet. I assure you, Xenia."

Xenia slid her eyes to the side, "if you say so."

They were on their way to meet Gregory's mother in Phuket. Gregory almost became deaf as the older woman threatened him over the phone.

"The whole world knows about her, and I haven't even met her. Hear me, Gregory Carlton Ashton III, you better bring me your girlfriend if you don't want me to debark in your mansion in London and cause havoc in your little Britain material world."

The man weighed the probability of having his mother stepping afoot in London. He foresaw the generational clash with his grandmother. Their encounter alone could make the tabloids. The risk was one the man could not take. Thus, the couple went to her.

"I'm so excited."

"I'm very happy for you, Xenia," Gregory said, displaying his legendary flat-lip smile.

"Oh, Gregory, don't be like this. It's your mother, for goodness sake," Xenia said, taking him by the arm, "I know it's difficult for you. It isn't a party every day with my mom either, but please make an effort for me."

"Oh, I'm so excited, " Gregory said, moving his shoulders as though he held congas.

Xenia glared, "Don't overdo it."

The announcement for landing came through, and the couple buckled their seatbelt. Memories of his mother invaded Gregory's mind as the plane descended. He didn't hate her; on the contrary, he blessed the day God made her. Gregory disliked her lifestyle, which consisted of spending her fortune on gigolos.

Gregory detested seeing his mother with younger men, worse men more youthful than him. No big deal, some would say, but Gregory feared something greater.

What if one of the men became his stepfather?

Gregory had already decided that he would call in Jalia for a James Bond wipeout in total discretion if it ever occurred.

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