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Xenia picked up her cat, "Niki says you look like me."


"I don't see which part?"

Xenia was surprised when her friend offered her a cat at her baby shower, saying it reminded her of Xenia.

Having Oasis was like training to be a mother before birth. The cat was mischievous, and Mark hated her.

The cat and the man's relationship didn't start well; Oasis loved to leave Mark presents in his shoes. It wasn't rare to have wet feet or slimy cat poop as he popped in his feet in his boots.

Oasis instincts already flared Marks's infidelity; Xenia thought when she reflected on that time.

Sia grew up with Oasis, and if the little girl took her first steps at nine months, it was thanks to Oasis's swift getaways from a baby who didn't know how to control her strength.

If Oasis could speak, she would probably say she lived the good life. She had two mistresses who loved her. Fed and groomed, the cat had nothing to rumble about, except for the fact, there were no men around. So when Gregory Carlton moved next door, oozing in testosterone, a particular place on Oasis started to twitch or the itch if you wish.


"Mom, Oasis is sick."


For the last few days, the cat barely moved or ate.

"Is she going to die?" The little girl asked while poking her cat.

"No, Sia, who told you about death?"

"Grandma says when we don't move, we're dead, and we go and meet Jesus."

Xenia made a mental note to tell her mom to stop saying such things to the little girl.

The doorbell rang, interrupting their conversation.

"Sia, wait, don't open theㅡ."

"Mom, it's Gregory."

"Bonjour Sia," Gregory said.

The man and Xenia were two adults having fun. His visits to Xenia's apartment were frequent, not to mention daily.

It's not that Xenia didn't like it, she appreciated the man's presence, and this was what annoyed her, especially when he gazed at her as he did then.

Xenia felt as though Gregory's eyes dived into her soul, and it was difficult to snap out of the trance once the man locked his eyes on her.

"Wow, it's hot in here," Xenia tugged on her t-shirt before turning to walk into her living room, followed by Gregory and Sia.

"I bought too much fruit. I thought I'd share some with you,′ Gregory said, handing Xenia the bag with Grapefruit, Granny smiths, Grapes, and bananas.

"Thank you, Gregory."

"It's my pleasure," whether he had too much or it was just a ploy to visit them didn't matter Xenia melted in front of his smile.

Who would have thought this possible of Xenia?

The woman wanted to run around howling like a banshee when she imagined the relationship they had. Gregory, out of the office, was something else; he was reliable and straightforward. He made everything seem easy. What was even more alluring and added plus signs everywhere was he was an A+ lover. Stamina, whatever, you name it, Gregory had it.

"Gregory, Gregory, there's something wrong with Oasis, look," Sia said, poking her cat once more.

"Sia, don't do that," Xenia said from the kitchen while she put the fruits in a basket.

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