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"Can you look after her while I'm gone?"

"Sure, come, Sia; I'll show you your mother's favorite hangout," Priscilla said, taking Sia's hand.

"Where are you taking her?"

"To the pause room, where else, the coffee and vending machine are now historical relics of Astoria."

"Hahaha," Xenia said before heading to the lift where she remembered all the occasions she met Gregory in the pause room.


"Come in," Wendon said when he heard the knock on the door.

"Wow, Xenia, what a change."

"I needed it," Xenia replied while touching her head.

"So, have you given it some thought?"

"It's no, Mr.Everett."

A few days after Gregory left, Xenia found herself summoned to Wendon's office.

"Did you know about us?" She asked.

"Not right away. Gregory doesn't expose his personal life, especially his love life, and to be honest, it's none of my business," Wendon said.

"I called you because Gregory approved something before leaving. He wanted you to become office chief. You would be just under Cassie.

"I can't believe this, Mr.Everett. Does this make sense? I can't accept it. What will people say? I slept with the boss to get there. What is Greー."

"He based this on your work performances, Xenia, don't see anything behind it."

"But people will see it, Mr. Everett, my answer is no. Do you imagine me holding a meeting while employees gossip about how I Monica Lewinkskied my way from under the desk to sit on it finally?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Xenia. How long do you count on staying in your position? Your results are way better than anyone in your office. Gregory has a lot of respect for the efforts you put in."

Wendon had to stay in character but internally laughed his head off at Xenia's Monica remark, which was a funny reference. If it wasn't for the peculiar conditions linked to his status, Wendon could see himself hanging out with her.

The director understood why his friend fell in love with her. She was spontaneous and impulsive; for a thorough man like Gregory, a woman like Xenia was a fresh air bowl.

"Respect you say, the man; I mean Mr.Ashton didn't even consider me enough to tell me who he was. And you say he has some respect for me. I won't stay," Xenia said, handing Wendon a letter.

"What's this?"

"My resignation."

"Xenia, gosh, Gregory told me you always were excessive."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Everett, I can't work where people will be whispering my name till Christmas like there goes Xenia. She got an in bed with the boss scholarship. I can't be where Mr. Ashton can be."

Wendon then told Xenia he would hold on to her letter, and he gave her two weeks, which were part of the vacations she had to take, to think about the offer.

Now her answer was the same as before.

"Xenia, what should I tell him?" Wendon said in despair.

"Nothing, don't tell Mr. Ashton unless he asks please, I beg you, Mr. Everett. The financial columns say the company is in deep because of the deal with SOLAS. I doubt my resignation will top Gregory's priorities."

Wendon was in a delicate position where Gregory told him to hold Xenia back till his return. The director couldn't prevent the woman from leaving by locking her up in Astoria.

Also, Wendon acknowledged that the situation wasn't comfortable. All of Astoria, if not the whole of La Defense, heard the fantastic tale Of the English Billionaire and his French PA.

Yes, their story was remixed to the dish people liked best. Their love and hate relationship at the beginning was swept away by torrid ploys, where staircases and lifts were bedrooms and sex crime scenes.

No such thing happened, apart from the day where Gregory pressed his fingers on her spine. No kinky scene within Astoria's wall had occurred, but no one wanted to hear that.

As a result, Wendon was the target of pouting glossy lips and devilish winks, which flattered his ego but didn't please his work ethic.

"Okay, Xenia," the director said, surrendering.

"Thank you. Goodbye, Mr.Everett," Xenia got up and walked to the door.

"Goodbye, Xenia, and take care."

Xenia went back to the office to pick up Sia, who conquered everyone's heart, including Cassie.

"So?" Priscilla asked.

"This is it guys, I resigned."

"No, Xenia," Mariam and Timothy protested in unison.

"I'm sorry, but I can't," she sighed, "it's too complicated."

"Well, well, who will I bicker with from now?" Cassie said to everyone's surprise.

Xenia smiled, "I'm sure you'll find a suitable replacement."

"Oh, I've got a meeting; good luck," Cassie said, fleeing the depression which consumed the office.

After a few hugs, Xenia closed her Astoria chapter. Two months past and Gregory didn't return to Paris; he couldn't. The SOLAS affair blew up. People were outraged by the idea placebos were given to children. Ashton&Ashton and all its subsidiaries lived their lowest rate in stock options.

Xenia expected this outcome, but a tiny bit of hope lingered. The part of her who dreamt while watching Snow White with Sia that the Prince would come and transform the sorrow into joy. Instead, it was British tabloids that came to crush the last speck of hope.

Like everyone, Xenia googled, and since she knew who Gregory was, the finance column seemed more attractive. And there it was a small article titled:


One of Britain's most eligible bachelors is rumored to have left the singles market. Despite the turmoil Ashton&Ashton is experiencing, it seems that businessman Gregory C. Ashton III still has time for some leisure seen with Swedish model Anya Heinrich, daughter of Frederic Heinrich, the founder, and CEO of the Swedish Media groupUB Net.

There was a small caption of Gregory's photo and his blonde model coming out of a restaurant.

Xenia typed Anya Heinrich in google image; yes, the woman was gorgeous.

Everything about Anya had a plus sign. She was rich, beautiful there wasn't anything else to say apart from the fact that Anya was the other extreme of the scale. The perfect opposite, with everything balancing in her favor.

Xenia overestimated Gregory; he was no better than the next man. Their story a passe-temps like knitting or playing draughts, who was she kidding thinking he was in love with her, and how could he dare to play it out that way.

The woman turned the page without regret. The battle was lost before it began. Gregory didn't promise anything, nor did he go overboard with his emotions. Xenia noted the man didn't even say he loved her. His only wrong was to make her believe their story was possible when he was aware it was a midsummer night dream.

This time Xenia learned enough. She had no more expectations. She would take things as they came and see where it would lead her: A fresh start, one small step for a significant change.

No more self-hate. Xenia would love herself and others better. She would start with her child, mom, sisters, and Niki, who was also an essential part of her life.

Xenia would give back to these women who supported her all through her wonder in the desert.

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