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Eh, how old are you? Only kidding, but we have a sexy shii-basa chapter here; innocents beware.

 It's softcore, but still, I'm warning you.

🔞Don't worry; I won't tell anyone you were here.🤐😅

"Once again, thank you, Gregory, you saved me from an embarrassing and lonely moment."

"You're welcome," the man's gaze hadn't left Xenia's since he had locked on them.

Xenia turned and composed her code holding her handle; she turned back to say good night only to almost fall nose to nose with Gregory, who now stood a mere two inches away.

When did he move? His steps were soundless.

Xenia's heartbeat stepped up, "Gregory, what are you doing?" she whispered.

The man's eyes said everything; what was going to follow was predictable.

"Gregory, please, don't do this," Xenia said in what seemed to be a plea.

"I need to know," was his reply.

Gregory's body was already against hers; Xenia heaved as she saw him approach his face. She closed her eyes in anticipation. Gregory's hands shifted to pose themselves on her back, gently pressing on her spine, pulling her closer. Gregory's nose nudged hers, and without hesitation, he kissed her.

Xenia pushed open her door, walked backward under the emergency of Gregory's kisses. Once inside, she jerked off her heels, which fell in random areas of the room, and she suddenly stopped and pulled back.

"What's wrong?" Gregory asked.

He hoped Xenia didn't have a change of heart.

"It's just you're the first man I'm with since, you know-, I need a little warm-up time," Xenia gasped for air as she made a rolling movement with one hand.

It wasn't what she wished to say, but Gregory understood. He approached her once more, kissed Xenia slower and longer before stopping.


"You've put some pressure on my shoulders, I mean I can't mess up, and have you clamp up like an oyster," he said, putting his hands on his hips.

Xenia smiled; it was the first funny thing she heard Gregory say. She reached out her hands, cupped Gregory's face in her hands, and kissed him. The gesture was unexpected, but it pleased the man who had a little apprehension. Gregory pulled Xenia closer, turning her to unfasten her dress before unknotting the Knouse on her neck.

The dress fell to the ground, where Oasis came to tug and play on it. Oasis then danced in and out of Gregory's legs. He remained motionless, not minding the cat as he admired Xenia's naked breasts, his gaze descending to her seamless shorty.

Once again, Gregory held himself back from the verbal compliment flood. The man took her in his arms and lifted her. Xenia wrapped her legs around his waist as Gregory carried her to the bedroom. Luckily he already knew his way around.

He posed her on her bed where Xenia, on her knees, unbuttoned Gregory's shirt, which the man wished she would rip apart, but things never happened like in the movies.

The scene was real; Gregory was going to let something he didn't calculate happen. He inhaled as he realized his shirt was long gone and that Xenia stared at him.

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