Part 8- Why You?

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     She woke up suddenly, in the middle of the night. She could see the lump on the bed which surely was [Y/F/N]. She closed her eyes and thought everything that happened in the last few days was a dream. But then she smelt the familiar scent, and knew that she was one lucky girl. She looked over at Cody; his eyes shut, he looked so peaceful. She tried to move her hand but then she realized. They had fallen asleep holding hands. She shivered, being slightly cold. So, she snuggled closer into him and fell asleep at once. 

Once again, she woke up, and realized Cody was not there anymore. [Y/F/N] wasn't either, although she did leave and not saying she was meeting up in Central Park with somebody. Then she looked to her left, and saw a person standing near a stove, cracking an egg. Really? [Y/N] thought. He can cook? She loved him even more. (if that was possible.) She stood up quietly and headed to the washroom. After brushing her teeth, she tiptoed into the kitchen and saw that Cody wasn't there anymore. She peeked into the pan, and saw he was making an omelet. She actually burst out laughing. CODY SIMPSON was making [Y/N] a omelet! Just then, her eyes got obscured, and she shrieked, but then she heard laughing and she knew it was him. "Cody, stop! I hate when people do that!" she giggled. "[Y/N], having a good morning, are you? I attempted an omelet. I don't think its half bad actually." his accent wafted around her. "We'll find out." she said, and Cody slipped his arms through the gap in her bent arms. She shivered. Not because she was cold, but because this was Cody Simpson. She was never going to get over this. As they sat on the couch, eating their omelets ([Y/N] could never admit this to him, but they weren't half bad), his Blackberry rang. "Hello?" he asked, as they were about to watch Elf. "Oh." his face went sad. "Alright, be right there, Royce. See ya." then he hung up, and faced [Y/N]. She knew he had to leave, yet she got really sad. "Its okay, go. I'm leaving for the airport in like, four hours." she said, looking into his deep blue eyes. "I wouldn't, but this really is an emergency." he said, looking in her eyes. "Go. It's fine, I mean, your Cody Simpson." he laughed and stood up and stretched. His shirt lifted up a little and she could see his tanned stomach. She blushed but he didn't notice. She walked him to the door, and they hugged for a very long time. Then they pecked each other on the lips, Cody said they'd keep in touch, and gave her a final present. "Open it when I leave." he said smoothly, and they hugged one final time. He closed the door, his sad eyes scanning her face. She didn't ever know when she'll see him again. She sat on the couch, and she felt sick. Already, he was gone a minute and she missed him more then ever. She carefully slipped her finger under the wrapped present, and there was a card. She read the card, and placed it down gently on the coffee table. She then opened the blue gift box from Tiffany & Co. It was a diamond rose pendant, and engraved on the back was, "With you - Cody Simpson - to [Y/N], my favourite girl." She felt like crying. She put on the necklace and vowed never to take it off. With a sigh, she put the card inside her favourite book so she wouldn't loose it, and started packing. This was going to be a long day.


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