what is happenning !?

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time skip lunch *

Carrolline pov *

"finnaly we're done, thank you for helping me with the speech" i said while giving him my best smile, "yeah,of course i would like to help you anytime" he said while drinking his water, no one my brother show up and tap my back he said "sis, dad asked where is mommy phone?", i suddenly chocked and get her phone from my bag "i will give it to dad by myself, i need to tell dad something, where's dad ?" i said, "oh your dad he was in there" said prince nikolai which was come from nowhere "ohh thank you", "anything, your majesty" he said, i ignored what he say and run off to my dad like 5 years old kids when they found a ice cream.

prince william pov *

I such a proud parents when i see my daughter carrolline read her speech without any preparation and socializing with the prince of denmark they helped each other they were a good kids, then i see my mom walk toward me and she said "it's look like they're both have a crush on each other" i am so shocked to hear that i mean my daugther have a crush on a prince also my wife was so shocked to hear that, then we asked mother diana "how you know that mom ?", she said whisper in my ears "charlotte told  me and they're holding hand, look" then i look at their hands which was holding.

then my daughter run off to me like a five years old kids "what ?" i said, then she said "don't you told louis to grab mommy phone ?", "no i dont" i said, i hear her voice so low 'ughh, that filthy jerk", "hey,watch your mouth kids" i said, "hehe,sorry, btw this mommy phone", then kate grab the phone and said "thank you darling", "anytime" "btw dad i need to tell you something" she said whispered to my ears, "what is it ?" i asked.

carrolline pov *

i feel my heart just drop when dad asked me then i said "what do you think if i have a crush?" i said calmly, then my mom which was heared what i said "WHATT!?" they both said it out together, my grandpa which was come from nowhere said "who's the lucky boy?" in anoyying voice 

felix pov*

i saw carrolline talking to her dad and mom, until i realize if i haven't see a guard around this palace, then i saw a very sus man that keep looking at carrolline, i quickly make a move and getting close to him without knowing louis is following me, a knife that what he hold, "excuse me, sir can you move from there ?" i said, "yeah, of course" he said while move and get closer to carrolline, "not my girl" i said then i move from there to a sit beside carrolline's grandpa prince charles, make sure no one mess with her, then i saw louis beside me, a 8 years old boy following me all this time, the i take louis to sit on my lap, suddenly a random guy hit a baseball bat on the back of carrolline's neck so hard that it knocked her unconscious and fell to the floor i quickly secure louis and carried carrolline outside while her dad and the gurd trying to catch the guy that hit carrolline, a lot of guest runaway and go to the back yard meanwhile me, kate, louis, my brother and other go to the hospital, even though she just fainted but she got hit really hard with a baseball bat

A few hours had passed but she still passed out, i am so worried of her, is she okay, then i remember that there's one guy that hold a knife is someone got stabed, wait where's athena (prince felix half sister), "nik where is athena ?" i said to nikolai, "wait where is she ?" said nikolai panicking, "don't worry darling she will be fine" said kate, suddenly a random man which was a doctor open the door and said, "we have tried our best but, we were so sorry but she's dead"

To be continue..........

(711 Words)

Carrolline windsor and her runawayWhere stories live. Discover now