The beggining of everything

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we go to the home theater and watching the movie "the princess switch"

"I think being a usual people sounds fun, no history class, an event every day, can go anywhere without being followed by the paparazzi, and we don't really have to care about our country," Leonor said, "I know but we are royal, we can't just leave the country and think about what we want instead of thinking about our country and people, we can't just leave them as that" Carrolline said, "but I think we can do it," Felix said, "what do you mean," Leonor said full of excitement, "we can fake our death without telling them we still alive, then we can go live our life just like a usual people," Felix said, "please don't include me in this, but if you want to just go on but don't brought me in this" Carrolline said while open the door and go.

"George goes to bed now, it's already late," Carrolline said to his brother, "you too," Carrolline said, then she goes upstairs left his friends in the theater alone.

the next morning*

"george ?" said carrolline while walking downstairs, she want to check outside but turns out the door was locked, she quickly runs to the theather but nobody was there, she checked on george room, she just found george and isabella in the floor, she gets water and pour it to george and isabella face, "god, wake up you two," she said then she remember to check on the garage, she runs and left george and isabella on the floor then quickly run to the garage door, "the car, our car, it's gone," she said panicking, she gets out from the garage and began to search her phone, it's gone too, she turned on the tv hoping the royal was searching for her, she turned shocked when she sees BBC morning, "what happend sis ?" asked george, "oh god," isabella said, they sit on the sofa while the BBC morning said that, "princess carrolline and 4 other royals founded dead in a car crash," the reporter said, "god, felix, leonor what did you do, "carrolline said in her heart.

suddenly a knock coming from the basement, we were all thought it was a ghost until I open the basement door, turns out Leonor was up that night and tryna stop Felix on his plan to fake our death.

"Leonor, are you okay ?" I said while running down the stairs, "yeah, i am fine, totally fine" leonor said

to be continue*

Carrolline windsor and her runawayWhere stories live. Discover now