Chapter 18

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She walked through the garden, past what she believed to be the largest fountain, which ran with clear water and had a statue of a nymph in the center. She walked up to the fountain and leaned over, cupping her hand to drink from the fountain. The water tasted pure and clear, and it sated her thirst. She sighed and walked toward the palace.

On a patio at the top of a set of grand, marble stairs, Psyche saw a table set for two, with candles and fine silver plate. She ascended the stairs, one by one, and walked toward the table. She saw bread on the table as well as olive oil and spices for dipping. There was also a jug of wine. On another, nearby table, she found a selection of nuts and berries, soup, fruit and vegetables. . and some fish and meat. She wondered if Erik knew she did not eat meat, but the selection of non-meat options was so extensive, she thought that it was likely he did.

On her plate, or rather the plate she assumed was hers, she found a silken blindfold, green and shot through with golden thread. She picked up the blindfold and tied it securely around her head. She carefully seated herself at the table, and she folded her hands in her lap and waited.

"May I pour you wine, milady?" said a voice that wasn't Erik's voice. She assumed it was one of the servants.

"Yes, please," replied Psyche.

Her keen ears heard the servant pouring the wine into one of the glasses. She lifted her hand to take the glass, but she did not immediately find it. A warm, slightly calloused hand found hers, startling her slightly, but the hand gently moved her hand to the glass.

"Thank you," said Psyche, politely as though she was still speaking to a servant.

"You're very welcome," said Erik in reply. She immediately recognized his voice, and her heart contracted a bit in her chest at the thought that he had touched her, and more importantly, his touch had not been unpleasant --far from it.

Psyche blushed just a bit, knowing that that hand would likely be touching her often, and in most intimate ways.

"May I fix you a plate?" asked Erik.

"Won't the servants be doing that?" asked Psyche, who was starting to realize that immortals did not live in the same way as human royals.

Serving food was something no one in her family would ever even think of doing. Psyche didn't even know if she would have been able to serve food, as she had never done it.

"Don't worry," he said, "I know you don't eat the flesh of animals."

"How did you find that out?" she asked, "Or my ring size? Or anything else you seem to know about me?"

He laughed. "I had the great benefit of knowing you would be my bride. I have many friends and many other contacts, including contacts in Atlantis. I inquired about you when I was contemplating asking Aphrodite for your hand in marriage."

"Why did you want me?" she asked, "Was it my beauty? Or something else."

Erik didn't respond to that question, but she heard him place a plate before her. She also smelled its contents.

"Go ahead, Psyche, eat something. I'm sure you'll find it to your liking. The chef is very skilled at mortal cuisine."

However, she had to suppress a bit of irritation that she could not look at her food to decide what she wished to taste, but she also did not wish to be difficult, either. Erik had given her a large palace and had been kind so far. His request that she not look upon him was not ideal, but she had resolved to accept it. He had only, so far, asked this one thing of her, and he may well have been justified in doing so.

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