Chapter 37

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Psyche found herself staring at Hermes, who was nearly as handsome as Erik. Although, she thought to herself, he's a god so that makes sense. He's also probably very old and just appears young, as Erik does. There was wisdom in his eyes.

"Good Day," she said, "I'm called Psyche."

The young man smiled, "I know that. I've heard much about you from my friend. . .Erik you call him. Until very recently, he spoke quite highly of you."

She nodded. "It is my greatest shame that I did not trust him. I'm seeking to earn back his love."

Hermes laughed. "You are a blunt one, aren't you? I like that, and I like you. It was frankly, silly of Eros not to tell you who he was. I still don't get his logic."

Psyche blinked. "He's not logical. His mind doesn't work that way. He's all emotion. It's quite remarkable."

Hermes smiled. "And that doesn't annoy you, with your logical mind?"

Psyche smiled softly. "No, it fascinates me and balances me. To think someone with so much passion could enjoy my company."

Hermes looked up at the sun. Apparently, doing so did not hurt his eyes. "You're like the sun to his moon. You need each other."

Psyche sighed. "His mother hates me, and I believe so does he."

Hermes shook his head. "His mother? Don't worry about her. She'll keep her promise if you get what she wants from the underworld. As for him, he'll come around. He's just a stubborn twit."

She stepped closer to him, her heart aching. She hoped, beyond reason, he could help her.

"Can you give Eros a message for me?"

His eyes turned away from her and toward the sky.

Her heart beat faster, and she feared he would disappoint her.

"Please," she pleaded, "Just tell him I love him."

He turned his gaze back at her, with a curious expression.

"No apology? No begging for forgiveness?"

She sighed. "I already did that." 

Hermes nodded, and he appeared to be thinking about what she said. "I'll do it, but before I do, why are you here?"

She clasped her hands behind her back and stood up straight. "Aphrodite has a task for me - another task. She says if I complete this one, she will support my reunion with her son."

Hermes looked her in the eye. "You think winning her support will cause Erik to return to you. I hate to break it to you, but Erik rarely - if ever - listens to his mother. "

Psyche tried not to wince. The thought that none of this mattered wasn't pleasant, but she didn't feel like she could give up. "My choices are limited. I have impressed her with my actions. She had one more task for me to perform. I performed the others. I will perform this one."

Hermes looked her up and down. "Well, I'm willing to take you to the underworld, but you have to do one small thing for me."

Psyche inhaled and looked him straight into his deep brown eyes. "Whatever you ask, as long as it doesn't dishonor"

Hermes grinned. "Nothing like that. I wouldn't do that to Eros...or you. I just need you to fill this canister from the waters where the Rivers Styx and Cocytus meet."

Psyche looked down and Hermes has produced a small crystal vessel on a golden chain.

"What's the catch?" she asked, assuming that the rivers were somehow cursed or the water would boil her flesh."

"No catch," he said. "Just pick it up right where I drop you off. Carry the water with you to the underworld and back. See...I even put the crystal on a gold chain so you can keep your hands free."

Psyche took to vessel and put it around her neck.

"All right," she said, "let's go." 

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