Chapter 42

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Aphrodite clapped and laughed as she witnessed the scene in her grand mirror.

"I knew it! I knew the bitch's modesty was an act. I may be vain, but at least I admit it," she laughed.

Hermes appeared in the doorway, a bag slung over his shoulder. It wasn't his unusual messenger bag, either. It was the bag he used to carry his own possessions.

Aphrodite's mouth gaped open.

"I'm leaving you, Aphrodite," said Hermes.

The Goddess of Love placed her hands on her hips and tossed her hair back defiantly.

"Nobody has ever left me. Don't be absurd."

"There's a first time for everything," replied Hermes as he headed for the door, slowly and deliberately. It was as if he wanted to make a show of his exit. He was the fasted of the gods, and he could have left quicker than a blink.

Aphrodite took full advantage of his slow pace, and she moved quickly to block his entrance.

"Why? Would you leave me? I'm the most beautiful of the goddesses?"

Hermes sighed.

"You're also the vainest. The most selfish. And the cruelest. Sure, when you're in a good mood, all of those things can be charming and the sex is great. But really, you're sadism toward your son and your daughter-in-law is pretty rotten. I don't want to watch it anymore."

Aphrodite's face softened, and she affected one of her most alluring poses. She leaned over and gave Hermes a view of her rather extraordinary body.

"Sorry, honey," he said, "I'm done."

Aphrodite's stance changed from seductive to one of fury, and Hermes fully expected her to try and strike him. Her face contorted, and he knew that had he been a mortal, he would have been struck down dead.

But he wasn't a mortal.

"Goodbye, Aphrodite," he said and disappeared in a blink. 

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