Chapter 38

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Hermes dropped Psyche off on the opposite side of the rivers from the direction from which they had come. Psyche knew what she had to do. If it meant getting Erik back and getting back the life they were meant to have, with their child, she would walk straight into hell. She didn't know which river was which, but they met at an intimidating junction that led to a waterfall. Psyche stood on her tiptoes to see just over the edge, but she still couldn't see the bottom. It went on for what seemed like an eternity. She knew she likely wouldn't fall over, but she still didn't dare step nearer to the edge.

She did, however, take the vessel from around her neck and filled it with water. She then realized she did not have any idea where to go. She looked around and saw that there was a path behind her and it led down.

"That looks right," she said. Taking a deep breath, she started to walk down the path.

She walked down and down and down. She walked past trees with spidering branches that sparkled in the darkness. They looked dead, but they seemed alive. Or maybe it was the other way around. She saw shadows in the branches, but every time her eyes started to focus on one, the shadow dissipated. The dirt beneath her feet was cold, cold enough to wear through her sandals but she herself wasn't cold. She heard birds singing and squawking, but she saw none.

She just kept walking, expecting to see something or someone. There was nothing for a very long time, until a door appeared. She looked behind her, and she saw nothing but the same road and trees and shadows.

She knocked on the door, making an eerie echo.

"Is anyone there?" she asked, noticing that her own voice was as echo-y and eerie as the knock had been.

She waited, knocked again, and waited. She didn't know the protocol of this place or if it would be rude to open the door herself. It was possible she was expected to open it herself.

She was about to knock again when the door creaked open. She walked in and found herself in a sumptuous bedroom, decorated with ornate furniture. At the far corner of the room, sat a woman. Or rather a Goddess. Psyche recognized her immediately.

Rarely had Psyche ever seen anyone whose beauty rivaled her own, but just looking at the the Queen of the Underworld made her heart beat faster. Persephone had the darkest of jet black hair and eyes that were the color amethysts. Her body wasn't thin and willowy like Psyche's, but voluptuous and her hair fell around her in luxurious waves. She wore a green gown that hugged her curves as well as a golden crown, adorned with amethysts that matched her eyes.

Psyche fell to her knees before the Queen of the Underworld, but she found she could not avert her eyes.

Persephone approached her and placed a chilly hand on Psyche's cheek, causing Psyche to shiver. Persephone's thumb brushed against her cheek, and then the queen leaned over and planted a kiss on the same cheek.

"Dear Psyche," she said, "I am so pleased to finally meet you. We have much in common you and I, despite you being a mortal. And no mortal woman has ever been brave enough to enter Hades on any errand. You must truly love your husband."

Psyche looked into Persephone's eyes.

"Yes," she answered sincerely, "and I understand you love your husband as well."

Persephone smiled and nodded. "You'll have to meet him. He's really not nearly the demon he's often reputed to be. He's a good and just King, and he is the most attentive of husbands. So much so, I am always heartbroken to leave him each Spring."

Persephone held out her hand and Psyche took it. The queen helped her to her feet.

"I suppose you well know that absence makes the heart grow fonder," said Psyche as the Queen entwined her arm around her waist and they walked toward her chambers.

"I know it well, as does Hades, and I believe you do as well."

She nodded, tears forming in her eyes.

"My dear, the journey here must have tired you out. You may sleep in my chambers for as long as you need. As you well know, I cannot offer you food - only water."

Psyche allowed Persephone to lead her into her chambers and into a small bedroom of the living area. "This is where I sleep when my husband is one of his moods," she said, "So you needn't worry that he will crawl in bed with you."

"Thank you," said Psyche and she laid down on the bed and soon slept deeply. 

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