Chapter 46

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Psyche had been shocked to her core to learn what Aphrodite had planned for her homeland. Eros had been reluctant to tell her, but he had learned not to keep secrets from her. She had immediately begged him to help her see Zeus. He had reluctantly agreed. 

"I still think we should wait until you are immortal," he said, gripping her hand. 

"No," she said. "I want him to see that I'm beneath him. That he could destroy me in an instant. He needs to know what I am willing to risk." 

"I'll go, and I'll intervene with him," said Eros. 

Psyche shook her head, and she kissed his cheek. "No, this is for me to do." 

Psyche straightened her shoulders and walked toward Zeus's throne. She was a princess, and she rarely felt inferior to anyone, even the gods she had met. But Zeus, for all his capriciousness, exuded power.  She had not choice but to respect her power. 

Psyche knelt before Zeus, and she kissed his feet. 

"I will sacrifice anything, including my own happiness if you will spare my homeland."

Zeus sighed, sadly she thought.

"I have no dominion over the sea," he said, "and my brother has a habit of keeping his promises, especially to mistresses."

Psyche looked up, hoping her eyes and quivering lip pleaded her case. She looked over at Eros, begging.

Eros rushed over and helped her to her feet.

"Zeus," he said, "Her distress could threaten my child. My mother did this out of pure vindictiveness. Is there nothing you can do."

Zeus sighed and he went to the grand mirror. He replayed the scene between Aphrodite and Poseidon.

"You are still his mistress, are you not?" said Zeus coldly.

"Yes," of course, "He will destroy Atlantis when I am no longer his mistress."

Zeus stepped over to her.

"Aphrodite, I command you as king of the gods, lord of immortals and mortals alike, to remain Poseidon's mistress for the next century. You will reside in his palace and perform your duties as goddess of love from there.

Zeus held his hand out to Psyche.

"It may be hard for you to understand, dear girl," he said, "but your homeland sits in quite an unfortunate location. A great quake will cause the island to sink, it's just a question of when - regardless of whether my brother chooses to speed up the process. I've given your people a reprieve of a century. Your brother will have a chance to rule. I suggest you go and tell him to make sure the history of your great land is told to those on the other continents. Even I would find it unfortunate if the memory of such a beautiful place would disappear from the Earth."

Psyche locked eyes with Eros, and she knew that Zeus's offer was generous.

"I thank you," she said, unable to hide the sorrow in her voice "and my people thank you."

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