Your Handwriting - Haisy Fanfic

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I skim through the note, written in 'Palmer Cursive'. 

The letters are ballerinas, twirling and spinning around elegantly. My heart begs to be let out for a breath of air as it struggles to pound out of her chest. Out of the hundreds in this school, there's no way I'd be able to guess who it is. 

The unpleasant thing was, a lot of people write in cursive. For all I know, they could've changed their handwriting for this. 



I stare back at my black oxford shoes that are mindlessly drifting through the hallways. After a sharp left turn, my footsteps are finally drowned out by the sound of students' chatters and sounds of music. Naturally, I shift towards where the music was escaping from, the music room. Through the plexiglass window, my eyes wander off to admire the girl with lustrous teal streaks resting atop her head. The girl strums the strings of the acoustic guitar she held creating mellow notes. Above all, however, was her voice. Her singing voice has a dreamy tone that makes her feel closer to her. I, of course, knows this voice from the bottom of my heart. Hailey's. 

The girl's hollow eyes lit up when she glances over at me. She grins and strolls towards the direction of the door. I couldn't help but smile back at her. The hand-hewn door cracks open with a pair of blinking black beauties. 

She greets me first with a friendly "how are you" while I ponder about how to ask her for help on handwriting.

"So Hailey, I really need to ask you for a favour," I start.

"Go ahead then, I'm here to listen"

"Do you mind helping me look at um, okay this is an awkward question but... do you mind helping me figure out who put a note in my locker?" talking too fast without our eyes meeting, I stutter constantly. 

"Oh, sure! Who wouldn't love a good mystery..." her voice is outlined by the bell that floods the school hallways. She seems fluttered, but with cheeks like hers... I'd be too. 

She turns towards stacks of heavy-seeming boxes and pulls out stacks of filed papers after I ask for the music club members' handwritings. 

Sean's was Zaner-Bloser Manuscript, not cursive. Milly's was not exactly readable so I'm assuming it wasn't by her. Zaner-Bloser Cursive was much closer to the note, but Zander's loops were much smaller and more connected. Plus, Zander's homosexual. Luke had a simpler version of Zander's style, but the pencil marks were less sharp. Jake, Jake's was much closer. He had Palmer Cursive, although the loops are 'loopier'.

"Could be Jake's, he has the nearly the same Palmer Cursive as the note," I look at Hailey who was gathering the papers. 

"Could be..." her eyes start to become hollow again. A full 180 turn as she shuffles to the boxes again. 

"I'm going to confront Jake about this," cautiously, I pause, "thanks for the help."



"There's one more person's handwriting you should see," she hands me a singular piece of paper. No, no way... this is identical to the note. 

"Hailey, who's is this?" I demand all of a sudden. Her frown fades to a smirk and our eyes meet again.

"It's mine, Daisy. I love you, I always have." I didn't know how to respond to that... but our lips meet. Nothing is written in stone in the beginning, but your handwriting makes me flustered. 

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