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I'm going to Hogwarts with my brother. I didn't go to Hogwarts my first two years because our mother was sick and I wanted to stay home with her. But now she is feeling much better and is forcing me to go with Oliver. Oliver has sent me letters from Hogwarts. He says it's amazing and it has a beautiful courtyard. I like to read and write a lot so that will be good. "Mom, Dad I'm leaving." It was really quiet for some reason. I walk over to the door were there is a little table and a piece of parchment on it. It says

My darling Isabella. Me and your father had urgent business to attend to and had to leave right away. We're sorry we can't see you go. We will see you and your brother for Christmas break. Have fun in school.
Love, Mom and Dad

They left. I wouldn't see them until Christmas. That's three months. I haven't left mom side since she was sick. Ever since dad got that job he's been working all the time but now mom goes with him. Whatever. I leave the note on the table rab my trunk and my bag that just has books on it and leave.

When I got to the train. I saw my brother. Hailey was with her mom and Draco saying bye. I wonder we're there father was but he didn't really like me so I just ignored it. I walked over to Oliver.

"Hey Oliver." He looked at me. "Hey shortstack." I hated that nickname and I was only about one or two inches shorter than him. "I told you I don't like that name." He smiled. "I know that's why I use it. Now let's get on the train." We walked on the train and into a ompartment. Most of them were full but we found one that had two other boys in it.

"Can we sit here?" I smiled as Oliver asked. They looked at Oliver "Sure Oliver you know your allowed to sit with us anytime." It felt weird how Oliver knew them and I didn't. They were to red haired twins. Oliver sat next to one and I sat next to the other twin. "Hi, I'm George." He put he's hand out and I shake it. "I'm Isabella." Oliver looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Shes my sister." I just started reading my book as he said that not paying attention. I then closed my book before I ead the first word. I look at the other twin sitting next to Oliver. "And your name is?" "Fred, Fred Weasley." He puts his hand out and I shake it. "Oliver you didn't tell us you had a sister." Fred nugged his arm. "She didn't come the first to years. But I'm hoping you to will set a good example and not rope her into your pranks." They look at eachother and laugh. I laugh with them because the thought of me pulling pranks was unbelievable.

I'm a very quiet girl. Before Oliver left for school. I would stay in my room and read and play in the garden until out mom got sick. Then I spent every minute with her that I could.

"Oliver calm down. You know I'm not a girl who does pranks." "We can change that." George winks. I felt something in my stomach when he winked at me. I just couldn't figure out what it was. I shook my head and continued reading my book. I was reading Pride and Prejudiced. It's my favorite book. And y favorite play is Romeo and Juilet. I'm a girl who fantasies about romance but never lives it.

I read my book while Oliver, Fred and George talked and laughed. I wound up falling asleep and George looked at me. He took the book from my hands closed it and put it back in my bag for me. "Your sister is cute." Oliver looked at me and looked at George. "Promise me you two will look after her when I can't. I'm gonna be busy this year. There's new tactics for quiditch and I need to get good grades this year." Fred and George looked at eachother and Fred looked at Oliver "We promise." George took his oat and put it over me as a blanket.

When the train stopped at hogwarts Oliver and Fred got up and walked out. George shook me a little by my shoulder. "Hey beautiful. Wake up." I woke up and sat up. He's coat fell off of me. "Oh did I fall asleep." I rub my eyes. "Yeah you did but we're here so come on. He stands up and walks out then I stand up and follow.

We walk off the train and over to this group of people. There I see a younger boy who looks a little like George and Fred. A girl comes up to me "Hi I'm ermione." She starled me a little seeing as I just woke up. "Oh hi. I'm Isabella." Two other boys came up to me as well with Oliver and Fred standing behind them and George standing next to me. "Hi I'm Ron. Fred and George's brother." I look at the twins then at him. "I could tell. You all look alike and have the same hair color. I'm Isabella." And then I look at the other boy. "I'm Harry." I'm a little shocked. "Harry Potter. Oliver's told me a lot about you." He smiles "Your the first person who hasn't gone a weird when they meet me."

I smile and we all start walking Harry, Ron, and Hermione are talking and Fred and Oliver are talking. "So how many siblings do you? Just wanna be prepared." I turn my head to face George. "Well there's seven of us total. Bill, Charlie, and Percy don't come though. Percy graduated last year." I count my fingers then look back at him. "That's only six." He looks back at Fred really quick and turns back to me. "Well there's also Ginny our sister she's the youngest." Now I'm really shocked. "So Ginny has to deal with six boys. I feel orry for her." He playfully hits my arm. "Were not that bad. Besides Bill and Charlie are away somewhere. Me and Fred are very protective of her but we also let her have her space. And Ron is always with those two."

I laugh and say "You guys don't invite in on pranks." He smiles "No our pranks aren't like crazy but we could get in trouble for them so we keep her out of them." We keep walking and talk for a while. We finally reached hogwarts. They all went into the great hall and sat down while I was talking to professor McGonagall. Finally I go up to get sorted. She places the hat on my. "Mmh. Smart, very smart yes. Brave and kind. Definitely not Slytherin. You want to prove yourself and want your family to
be proud. I'll say Gryffindor!!!"

I smile and Professor McGonagall takes the hat off my head and I sit down in between George and Fred. Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting across from me. And Oliver sitting next to Fred.

Professor Dumbledore made a speech like Oliver told me he does every year the andn we ate the delicious feast. Ron stuffed food in his mouth. I could tell he was hungry. Me not so much. I had a chocolate and had a kinda big lunch so I wasn't starving. But I ate some anyways. After the feast I went up to my dorm. Me
and Hermione shared a dorm. Fred and George shared a dorm. And Ron and Harry shared a dorm. Hermione showed me our dorm and I loved it. It's wasn't huge which I liked but it was big enough for the both of us. We unpacked talked a bit and went to bed.

 We unpacked talked a bit and went to bed

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