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(Play this song when you get to the part of the story that starts talking about Malfoy)

A week later I was swamped with school work. Cedric had ask me out and I turned him down politely. I just wasn't interested. Draco Malfoy had kept staring at me. He hadn't asked me out though. Which I was happy about. My friends didn't get along with him. But I don't know why he kept staring like what did he want. If he wanted a date he would ask. Unless if he was just doing this to mess with me. But I doubt it. He's Draco Malfoy. When he wants something he gets it. But even if he wanted me he wouldn't get me. I was getting ready for my day it was Monday and I had potions lass first. Hermione was my partner. Ron and Harry were partners. The four of us always stayed together. They were still called the golden trio and I hung out with them occasionally. I would mostly stay and hang out with the twins.

I got ready and put my outfit on.

I got ready and put my outfit on

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I always liked green and black. Even though Slytherin mostly wore those colors I didn't care. I liked those colors long before I even knew Oliver was going to Hogwarts. I put my robe on over it. I got my bag with my books and headed to class.

When I got to class Hermione, Harry, and Ron came over to me. "What's going on? Why is everyone standing?" They look at eachother and Hermione looks back at me "Professor Snape is changing seats. Everyone is getting assigned seats for the rest of the year. And the person you sit next to is your partner." "Oh great." I cross my shoulders and they stand next to me.

I look over and see Malfoy staring at me. I look and push my robes away a little so he can see my outfit and wink teasing him. He looks back at Professor Snape. "When I call you name take a seat." The four of us look at eachother "Granger and Weasley." Maybe me and Harry will sit next to eachother. "Malfoy and Wood." I look over and see Draco start walking. I walk over and we sit in the sits in front of Ron and Hermione. I turn around and look at them "Good luck dealing with him." Ron says. "I can handle Malfoy. And if causes problems I always have magic." He doesn't turn around but looks at Snape "I can hear you." I turn back around and sit back in my chair the right way. "I know."

Snape calls the rest of the names and Harry sat next to Seamus. We were told since the seating took a long time to read pages 345 to 355 since class would be over in ten minutes.

When class ended I stood up. I walked away as fast as I could trying to get away from Malfoy but he got up and followed me. When we reached up to an empty classroom he pulled me. I had realized that I kinda had a crush on George in the past week but was afraid to tell him.

Draco pulled me into a classroom "Malfoy let me go." "No. You listen. I know you want me." I try to leave but he pins me against the wall. "Don't try it. It won't work." I try breaking out of his grip bit I can't get out of it. "Why aren't you listening Isabella." "Let me go." "I think not." I kick him in the knee which make his loosening his grip but he doesn't let go and I can't get out.

"You little bitch. You don't know what you just did." "Yes I do. Now let me go."

George's POV

After Isabella's, Harry's, Hermione's, and Ron's potion class I went up to them to ask were Isabella was. I grown quite fond of her but don't know how to tell her. I can't ask Fred he'll tell her and so will Ron, Hermione or Harry. "Heys you three have you seen Isabella?" They turn around and look at me. Hermione gives me a confused look. "We don't know. We got separated after class and we thought she went to find you and Fred." Hermione says. Harry than says "Try asking Oliver made he is with her." "Thanks. Bye you guys." They wave as I start walking away. I walk by this empty classroom and I hear a voice say "You little botch. You don't know what you just did."

"Yes I do now let me go." That sounded like Isabella.

Isabella's POV

I grab his wrist and try to push him off. He tightened his grip on my wrist. I know that would leave red on my wrist.
I kicked him again this time harder and he finally let go. I grab my bag which had fell of my arm and ran out of the room. I ran into someone and made them fall. I looked down and it was George. "Sorry." He's looks like he's hurt. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." I sit up basically sitting on him. He sits up and I stand up. He gets up. "You wanna tell why you were running out of the room Bella." Bella was his nickname for me.

"It was Malfoy. He was being annoying and on top of me. So when I got him off of me I ran. I didn't mean to run into you George." He smiles. "It's okay. I was looking for you. Harry, Ron and Hermione said they couldn't find you after class." Oh shit. I bailed on them. Hermione's gonna kill me. We promised the boys we would help them with the charms homework since they didn't understand.

"George I gotta go." I start to walk away and he grabs my hand. "Wait I gotta tell you something." "What's up?" Then I hear footsteps. "Isabella!" Hermione runs up to me and hugs me. "Thank God your okay. I thought something happened to you." Harry and Ron finally catch up. "You boys are to slow." Hermione grabs me back to the dorm and starts to give me a lecture about how I was supposed to help her with the boys. But I couldn't help but wonder what George wanted to say. I wish I had told him I liked him but I didn't.

Did he like me to? Was that what he was gonna tell? Did Hermione showing up ruin it?

After me and Hermione got to the dorm we got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth layed down and Hermione went to bed. I stayed up thing what George wanted to tell me. I stayed up for an hour thinking then went to bed.

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