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While I'm walking to my brother's dorm I couldn't stop thinking about what happened between me and George. What could've happened. When I reach his dorm I knock on the door. I walk in.

"Oliver." "What's up Shortstack?" I walked in and closed the door. "Don't call me that. And I have a bone to pick with you. But more about that later. I sent a letter to dad and he's home. He wants us to go there and said we can bring friends." Then Fred and George walked in. "What are you two doing here?" George closes the door. "Relax Isabella, Oliver invited me here to hang out and I saw George so I told him to come."

I look at Oliver. "What? There my friends to. And I have a better bond with them." I give him the death stare. "Your lucky I don't kill for what you said to George." Fred gives a confused look. "What did Oliver tell you?" George shakes his head no. "Look if you two are fighting we can go."

Oliver stands up. "No it's fine. Dad's home fine we can go. I'm guessing Fred and your boyfriend are coming." He goes over to Fred and Fred is laughing a little. "Whatever. I'm going to pack. And for the record George isn't my boyfriend. I'm single and happy." I walk out leaving the three boys there. George follows after me.

I got to my dorm and close the door if it fully closed would've slammed but someone caught it. I walked over to my desk looking out my window and run both my hands through my long silky hair.

"Isabell you okay?" I turn around to see George standing there. "Um. Yeah I'm fine just me and Oliver never really fight so it's weird. But I'm fine nothing you have to worry about." I rub my eye before a tear could fall out.

"You know you don't have to put on an act around me." I run my hands through my hair. "I don't know what your talking abo-" He kisses me. I feel his hand on my waist pulling me closer to him as I wrap my arms around his neck. He pins me against the wall. We start to make out.

He pulls away from the kiss. "You sure you want to do this?" "Yes." I pull him back into the kiss. God he was good kisser. I ran my hands through his ginger hair as he started to kiss my neck. I let out a soft moan. He picked me up and layed me on the bed.

He got on top and started kissing me again. God was this really happening. I was starting to think it was dream. I mean I never thought about who my first time would be with. He pulls away from the kiss and takes my shirt off. I take his off and run my hand down his chest while he went to kiss my neck.

If I knew one thing it's that if Oliver knew that George fucked his little sister he would kill him. I knew I was doing because I wanted to but a part me knew Oliver wouldn't like this and that made me want it even more.

I felt his hand on my thigh grabbing it. I arched my back and he slid his hand under and unclipped my bra. I could tell he'd obviously done this before. Or he was just that good at it. He took my bra off started to unbotton my jeans. He unzipped them and I titled my head back. He took them off and took of his jeans to.

He came back up and kissed me. Within a minute of two later everything was off. He put a spell on the room so nobody outside would hear the noises. The room filled with the sounds of my moans as he puts one finger into me. "You okay with this?" He whispered. I don't know why it's not like anyone could hear us.

But his voice was so calming. "Yes." I was breathing so heavily I was surprised I could talk. He added another finger and was kissing my neck. He reached my collarbone and started leaving dark marks on my neck. Well that just great seeing as I'm heading home tomorrow.

After we finish he lays down next to me. I wasn't able to talk I was breathing so heavy you would be able to her from outside the dorm. It was late so I just wanted to go to bed but I knew Hermione would be back soon. I've Hermione she's my best friend but she could never keep this a secret from anyone and I didn't want them to know. Especially not Oliver.

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