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Later that night, we were all in the great hall eating dinner. Me, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Oliver, Fred and George. Professor Dumbledore walked up to the podium (whatever its called) an made an announcement. "SILENCE!" The whole room went quiet. "Thank you. Now we have a new student. Please join me in welcoming Tom Riddle." Tom bursts threw the doors and walks up to the front. He sits down and is sorted into Slytherin.

I continue eating ignoring everyone. I walk out early and Tom follows me. As I walk he comes up to me. "Hi." I look at him. "Umm hi. Can I help you?" "Are you Isabella Wood?" How does he know my name? "Umm yes, I am." He paused for a second. "Draco Malfoy is my friends he told me you two know eachother and he told me about your little love triangle." He's dead the next time I see him. "Yeah don't listen to him he's an idiot. Excuse me."

I start to walk away when he yells "I can help you." I turn around and walk back up to him. "How?" He smirks. "You need help choosing which boy right?" "Yes." His smirk turns into a smile. "I'm gonna give you advice sweetie. Follow your heart. You heart and brain may something different but your brain is only trying to get you to make the wrong decision. In the end your heart makes the right decision. Also you need to figure out which one is more kind, trustworthy, and make you feel happy. Which one do you feel you can be yourself around? Which one do you have the most fun with?"

"How do you know this?" He chuckles. "I've helped people with love problems before. I think you know which one you want now right?" "Out of everything you just said. It's all telling me George is the right one." He smiles. "Then there you go. Tell Potter it can't happen and go get the guy you actually have a crush on." I smile "Thanks. Maybe your not so bad after all." He drops his smile to a serious face "See you around Wood. And um I won't tell anyone about this. I'll make sure Draco doesn't either." I drop my smile to a serious face "Thanks." He winks and walks away.

I go to my dorm and Hermione is already there. She walks out of the bathroom. "Hey Isabella, where were you. You left before the rest of us and we still got here before you." I run my hand through my hair. "Yeah sorry got caught up." She walks to her bed as I walk to mine. "Oh Isabella, before I forget Harry wants to talk to you."

"Okay thanks." She smiles and lays down. I go to talk to Harry. I knock on the door and he answers. "Hey Harry, can we talk?" He can tell it's a serious conversation. "Yeah sure." He walks into the hallway because Ron was sleeping. "So Harry I know you said you like me but I see you more as friend." "Oh." I look at him in the eyes "I'm sorry I just don't like you the way. I like someone else. But I know Ginny likes you. Maybe you should give her a chance." He smiles "Thanks for telling me. Well now George will wonder why I stopped liking you and giving his sister a chance." I shake my head "Wait George knows you like me?" "Yeah he was the first one I told you guys are friends so I asked if he would help me."

"He said he couldn't though." "Wait Harry, when did you ask him this?" He pauses for a few seconds. "I asked him a few days before we came back to school." I close my eyes and open them like a long blink. "Harry I have to go." "Okay bye." "Bye." I go to Fred and George's dorm. I knock on the door.

Fred answers. "Fred thank god. Is George here." Fred looks at me "Why would you lead him on if you liked Harry? Someone's coming. Come in here." He pulls me in and closes the door. George is sitting on his bed. Fred walks over to me "Wanna explain why your leading him on when you like Harry?" I run my hand threw my hair. George is sitting there listening. "Look Fred I don't what you heard. But I don't like Harry. I'll admit Harry sent me a letter a few days before Christmas telling me he liked me but I was waiting until after Christmas to deal with it."

Fred just looks at me and crosses his arms. "Fred please. I just told Harry that me and can't - won't ever happen because I like George. And then Harry told me George knew so I came here to talk to him." Fred turns around and looks at George. George nods and Fred looks back at me. "I'll be in the other room if you guys need me." He walks away and I'm out of breath from running to the dorm and talking really fast. George stands up and comes over to me. "George, I'm sorry. I didn't think Harry was gonna say anything or drag you into this but I don't like him I lik-"

Before I could finish he cuts me off by kissing me.

Before I could finish he cuts me off by kissing me

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(That is what the kiss looks like)

The kiss lasted about two minutes until Fred walked in. "Hey you two done talking I would like to go t-" We both pull away and we're standing there really close together. "Sorry didn't realize you two were-" I cut him off "It's fine Fred, I- um I should get going anyways." And I move away from George. "Uh goodnight George, Fred." "Night." I walk out blushing but embarrassed at the same time.

George's POV

As she left Fred came up to me. "Don't even think about Fred." "Come on. You kissed her." I walked over to my bed "I'm going to bed goodnight." "Ugh fine I'll just have to talk to her about it tomorrow." We went to bed.

Isabella's POV

I went to my room and Hermione was sleeping so I was very quiet and went to bed. The next morning I wake up get ready and me and Hermione headed to the great hall. Me and Hermione walked to were the rest of the group was and no boys were staring at me. Except our friends. Even Malfoy stopped staring at me I kinda liked not feeling his eyes burying in my soul. I felt happy. I sat down in between Fred and George like always. Hermione sat in between Ron and Harry like always and Oliver was next to Fred like always.

We all eat breakfast than start to walk to class. I'm walking behind everyone and Fred backs up so he's walking at my pace. "Yes Fred?" He smiles. "Wanna tell me what happened that you were kissing George last night?" "No not really Fred." He looks at me "come on, George wouldn't tell me anything and I walked in on you two kissing I want to know."

George comes by me and Fred we stopped walking. "Fred leave her alone." "George I'm getting answers since you refuse to tell me. I'm you twin we tell eachtoher everything."

I roll my eyes while there talk and I lose it "enough you two. We lost the group and I need to get to class I'm already late and Professor Snape is gonna be so mad. I'll see you guys later." I get to class and Professor Snape isn't there yet. I sit down next to Malfoy. Fast forward to Friday.

Professor Dumbledore gave us Fridays off. The rest of the week went smoothly I went to my classes had lunch with the group. Other than that I stayed in my dorm and did my homework. Oh no I'm becoming Hermione.

It was Friday morning and I decided to sleep in since I stayed up until three am last night doing school work and studying. Me and Hermione both slept in until around eight thirty.

We got up got ready and went downstairs. Ginny and Harry had also started dating. Me and George hadn't talked about us or what that kiss meant. We all hung out together the rest of the day and then we all went to bed.

 We all hung out together the rest of the day and then we all went to bed

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