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The next day we were at Hogwarts and I was heading to class when someone stopped me. "Harry! You starled me." He looks at me. "Sorry. I wanted to talk to you about my letter." Oh shit. I was avoiding him for this reason. I didn't want to talk about it. "Oh well Harry I really have to get to class I'm sorry. Talk later?" He smiles. "Yeah sure." I walk away trying to forget that. I get to class and sit down. I had potions class which meant I had to deal with Malfoy.

I sat down and Professor Snape came in. "Turn you books to page 394. I want you to read page 394 to 405. I want one role of parchment on my desk by Wensday about these pages." Everybody makes noise. He's only giving us two days. "But sir tomorrow's quiditch." Professor Snape walks up to Harry. "I suggest you be careful than Mr.Potter. Loss of limbs will not excuse you." He walks back over to his desk and everyone starts doing there work. As I'm working. I start playing with my necklace and look down at it. Harry admitted to liking me. George didn't. But why would George get me this necklace if he didn't. Should I talk to Harry and give him a chance? Or should I ask George how he feels? Then I hear Malfoy whisper "the second one." I look at him "What?" He looks at me "I'm mastering legitimacy I could hear your thoughts. If the Weasley boy got you that necklace you deserve to know how he feels before you get with Pottah." I give a very weird look. "First of all stay out of my head. Secondly, why are you being so nice?" He sighs. "Oh I just hate Pottah more then I hate the Weasley's." I nod my head "Of course you do."

After class I go and find George. "Hey George." He turns around "Oh hey Bella. What's up?" "Nothing but a remember that day you were trying to tell me something but Hermione interrupted?" "Yeah why?" I sigh "I was just gonna ask you what you were gonna say?" He looks nervous "Oh well I was gonna tell you that I like you. I wanted to do it in person which is why I didn't say it in the letter." I look down and look back up at him. "Oh okay. Umm. I gotta go."

"Yeah okay..." He likes me he admitted it. Ugh now this is gonna be harder than I thought. Him and Harry both admitted to liking me but I have to choose one. I can't. My heart is telling me George but my brain is telling me Harry. I don't know which one to listen to.

Sorry this chapter is short

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