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Three months later. It's around time for Christmas break. I'm packing and Hermione is packing to go home. Harry, Ron, Fred and George come in our room. George plops on my bed "Hey girls." "George Weasley get off my bed." "Why? It's comfortable." I look at him telling him get up or I'll make him.

We all hang out for a bit. Until me and Oliver have to leave. Me and Oliver get on our own compartment. Hermione goes in a compartment with Ron and Harry. Since Harry is going to the Weasley's for Christmas. Fred and George get there own compartment.

George's POV

This conversation is between me and Fred. "So are you ever gonna tell Isabella you like you." I look at Fred. "I don't know what your talking about." "So you don't like her but you got her a Christmas gift." "Fine maybe I do like her. Why do you care Fred." He looks out the compartment door and closes it. "You need to tell her. I heard Harry also likes her. And if he tells her before you do you will miss you chance." I look up. "Well I wrote her a note with her gift. On Christmas day I'm gonna send Errol to there house." Fred looks at me with a serious look. I close the book I was reading. "You need to tell her George. Go tell her now." He stands up opens the compartment and walks out. I walk out following him leaving out stuff there. I follow him to Isabella's and Oliver compartment. Fred opens the compartment door "Can me and George sit?"

"Sure." I hear a beautiful voice say. Bloody Hell. Maybe I do like her. Should I tell her now? No. Fred is getting into my head. But it's working. Ughhhhh. I sit down next to Bella and Fred sits next to Oliver.

Fred looks at me than smiles at Bella. "So Isabella. George has been talking about you a lot recently." Oliver ignores this conversation. "Oh really? What's he been saying exactly?" She smiles at me.

Isabella's POV

I smile at George. Fred continues saying what he was saying. "He's just been talking about. He refuses to give you your Christmas present now." "Fred!!"
He looks at George and George gives him the death stare.

He runs out of the compartment and George follows. I put my feet up on the seat and go to sleep. When we get to the train stop. Oliver wakes me up and we walk off the train. We get off and Hermione ran over to her parents. George, Fred, Ron, Ginny, and Harry walked over to the Weasley's. Oliver looked for our parents but they weren't there. We got home and opened the door. "Mom, dad me and Oliver are home!" There was no answer.

I look at Oliver "We're do you think they are?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know." I walked into the living room to see the tree put up but not decorated. I see a note on the tree. Oliver went upstairs and put our trunks in our room. "Oliver!" He comes downstairs.

"What Isabella?" "Mom and Dad wrote us a note." He walks over and sits on the couch. "Read it." I take it out of the envelope and put the envelope on the coffee table.

Dear Isabella and Oliver,
               I'm sorry this is happening but your father is caught busy with work.. We had to go and won't be home until after Christmas. Your father put the tree up to decorate so you guys can do that together. Merry Christmas, See you guys when we get back.
                                  Love, Mom and Dad

I refold the paper and throw it on the table. "That sounds like mom and dad. Always gone. Bella we should have expected this." I look at him "ever since dad got this stupid job there always gone. They weren't there to drop me off at Hogwarts and now there not gonna be here for Christmas." He goes upstairs to his room.

I run upstairs to my room. I get a pen and paper to wrote

Dear George,
                 Hope your Christmas break is going well. Tell your family, and Harry that I wish you all a Merry Christmas. It's just me in Oliver here but you probably don't want to hear about that. Tell Fred no pranks because I know you two. You'll both pull pranks. Merry Christmas and see you after break.
                                            Love, Isabella

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