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Time Skip: One Year

We finally did it! Me and George planned our wedding. Scheduled to happen and four weeks. Everything is planned. The boys just have to get fitted for there tuxes.

"I'm excited!"

"We can tell." "Shove off Ginny. You were just as excited as me when you married Harry."

Later that night.

"So how does feel to know your changing your name in four weeks." I hit his chest. "Shove off. I'm excited"

"Me too but Ginny said you went all you on her." "Hey! She was being snarky so I was snarky back."

"You two are gonna make great sister in laws I can already tell."

I snugged closer to him and buried my head in his chest as I drifted to sleep.

4 weeks later

It was the night before our wedding.
Me and the girls were staying at the house and the boys were staying at the Burrow. We stayed up and had a little party before the wedding. Then we went to bed. Around 8 o'clock Molly came over and she woke me up. "Isabella dear. You have to wake up." I opened my eyes and sat up.

"Hi Molly." She looked happy. "Hi. I'm gonna go wake up the girls. We have to start getting ready."

She walked out and I got up. The breakfast bagels, donuts we ordered arrived around 8:30. We all ate and the hairstylist arrived at 9:00. Hermione got her hair done first, then Ginny, then Luna. The makeup stylist arrived at 9:30 so Hermione, and Ginny had there makeup done. And Luna had started getting her makeup done as I started my hair. We finished hair and makeup around 10:30.

The girls got changed into their bridesmaids dresses.

The girls got changed into their bridesmaids dresses

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Those were the dresses. We went for like a Gryffindor theme. So Red, Gold, but we also added some white. Which was the flowers and my dress of course. Molly had her hair and makeup down. She was getting her dress on as the girls was helping me with mine.

I walked out and they all looked at me.

I walked out and they all looked at me

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