1. The Return of a Perplexing Dream

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The clear night sky hung over England. Stars twinkled faintly in the sky as silence loomed over a small neighbourhood. One that was uninteresting and was very much like many neighbourhoods in England.

However, even in the dead of night. Every window of every house on this normal street were unlit and dark, apart from one.

There was a faint white glow that shone through the window of this one particular house. It shone through the window of one particular room.

The room of a thirteen year old boy with long unkempt (H/C) hair, vibrant (E/C) eyes, he was taller than most boys his age; just over six feet tall, because of his abnormal height, he was lanky and stuck out among members of his family.

This boy was (Y/N) (L/N). Despite his somewhat ordinary appearance, (Y/N) was no ordinary child. He was a wizard. He attended a school designed for witches and wizards that was known as Hogwarts, one of many schools of witchcraft and wizardry around the globe.

Two and a half weeks had passed since he had returned home from Hogwarts. His time at home had been nothing adventurous. (Y/N) never did much and mainly just sat in his room as he reread his books and completed homework.

Just like tonight, he sat as his desk as he read a book of spells illuminated by a single desktop lamp. The desk held all kinds of memories from (Y/N)'s days at Hogwarts.

A raven-feather quill, gifted to him by a dear friend, sat upright in a bottle of jet-black ink. Various pieces of parchment had been sorted into neat piles. Piles of completed homework he had done over the week and a half, different types of notes that (Y/N) had made on his subjects that he had in Hogwarts, and most importantly was a pile of letters from his friends at Hogwarts.

In (Y/N)'s lap laid a jet-black cat with emerald green eyes. This cat had a faint scar that ran diagonally down its face. Memories of an abusive past it had escaped long ago. (Y/N) named this cat Soot before he began his time at Hogwarts. He loved Soot with all his heart and enjoyed every moment he had with his feline friend.

(Y/N)'s POV

He sat reading through the The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2. He had been reduced to absentmindedly flicking through the pages. Looking at the spells he had already mastered, incantations and wand movements he had memorised and practiced over and over again.
It was really tedious.

Leaning back in his chair, (Y/N) stretched his arms up above his head. Looking down to the bundle of fur that was Soot sleeping happily, (Y/N) smiled before he looked at the dimly lit crimson numbers of the alarm clock in his desk.

It was two o'clock in the morning. He hadn't meant to stay up this late.

"Time really does fly by when you're having fun," mumbled (Y/N), his brow furrowed and his tone full of sarcasm.

(Y/N) yawned as he pressed one elbow onto his desk and then rested his cheek against the palm of his hand.

(Y/N) looked out the window and stared up at the pitch black sky with its few twinkling stars.  His eyelids grew heavy as he began to drift into a deep slumber.


Opening his eyes, (Y/N) was no longer sitting by his desk. He was in the living room of a house he had spent many days and nights in, but one he could never really remember.

(Y/N) looked around the room to see a small toddler that sat on the floor near an empty fireplace. The toddler was playing with what appeared to be a small jigsaw that it couldn't comprehend as the toddler was trying to jam to pieces that wouldn't match, together.

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