5. Friends Reunited

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(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N)'s eyes opened slowly as the morning sun warmed his face. He blinked quickly as his eyes adjusted to the bright light of the sun. He slowly raised his head up and the gradually lifted his body up until his back was straight in his chair.

He'd fallen asleep by his desk again. The left side of his face felt numb because he had it pressed up against his desk the whole night. (Y/N) stretched his arms and back all while letting out a low groan as his body felt like an immensely heavy weight had been lifted off of it.

(Y/N) let his arms dangle by his sides before letting out a sigh, "I've got to stop falling asleep here." Pushing his chair back, (Y/N) stood up as he looked out the window at the clear blue sky and shining sun.

"At least it's not miserable," he said, still staring out the window.

Suddenly there was a knock at (Y/N)'s door and he stopped looking out the window, turning his attention to his door and simply said, "Come in."

The door opened and in walked (Y/N)'s mum, Eve. She walked in with a smile, her brown hair swaying slightly and her (E/C) eyes glittering as the sun hit them. "Morning, love."

"Morning mum," said (Y/N), "you alright?"

"I'm fine . . . Adam?"

(Y/N)'s eyes flicked back to the door as his dad walked in, his green eyes staring up at the ceiling. "Alright son?"

"I'm fine — you okay dad?"

A silence formed between the three as they just stood there. The silence was only broken when Adam spoke, "So you'll be leaving in the morning? To meet all your friends?"

(Y/N)'s brain felt like it has finally switched on after his dad had finished speaking, he was right. Today was the last day of the holidays and he had planned on staying in the Leaky Cauldron before leaving for King's Cross in the morning. He had already booked a room for the night when he last spoke to Tom.

"Yeah . . . I should be setting off soon actually," said (Y/N), looking at his alarm clock. When he looked back to his mum and dad however, (Y/N) saw the almost pained faces of the both of them.

"(Y/N)?" said his mum, now looking down at the floor in what seemed to (Y/N) as pure worry. "I need you to promise something to your dad and I — I want you to promise us you'll be safe."

"Of course I'll be safe. I'll —"

"Oh so these past two years you've been safe?" said his dad abruptly, no longer looking at the ceiling, his green eyes staring down (Y/N).

"Yeah, I'll be at Hogwarts."

"That racist infested, troll invadeable and hidden monster rooms death-trap is the safest place to be?" said Adam, his face becoming red with anger.

"You've still got a problem with Hogwarts haven't you?" said (Y/N), his fists slowly clenching. "I've told you that I'm going no matter what either of you think of the place."

"Well maybe if you —"

"Alright let's all settle down," said Eve, cutting off Adam and putting her hand on his shoulder. "Both your dad and I aren't going to try and stop you — that's a promise. We just want to talk to you about a couple of things."

"Alright," said (Y/N), his fists quickly unclenching as relief washed over him. "We can talk . . . depends on what we're talking about but we can talk."

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